Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.WavelengthCorrections

import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_writer, \
                                                    kcwi_fits_reader, \

[docs]class WavelengthCorrections(BasePrimitive): """ Perform wavelength corrections Based on the type specified in the kcwidrp/configs/kcwi.cfg file in the ``radial_velocity_correction`` parameter, perform the requested correction. The current options are "heliocentric", "barycentric", and "none". The default is "heliocentric". Also, if the ``air_to_vacuum`` parameter is set to ``True`` (default), apply air-to-vacuum correction. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _pre_condition(self): """ Checks if we can correct wavelengths based on the processing table """"Checking precondition for WavelengthCorrections") precondition = False suffix = 'icube' obj = self.locate_object_file(suffix) if obj: precondition = True else: self.logger.error("Precondition for WavelengthCorrections failed!") return precondition def _perform(self): # Determine which radial velocity correction to make correction_mode = self.config.instrument.radial_velocity_correction options = ["none", "barycentric", "heliocentric"] # If the config file has an invalid option, return if not bool([el for el in options if el in correction_mode]): self.logger.error('Bad config option for radial_velocity_correction\ , options are ["none", "heliocentric", "barycentric"]') return self.action.args suffix = 'icube' # Can be ammended to handle ocube files obj = self.locate_object_file(suffix) if "none" in correction_mode:"Skipping radial velocity correction") obj.header['VCORR'] = (0.0, 'km/s') obj.header['VCORRTYP'] = (correction_mode, 'Vcorr type') else:"Performing {correction_mode} correction") obj = self.heliocentric(obj, correction_mode) if self.config.instrument.air_to_vacuum:"Performing Air to Vacuum Conversion") obj = self.air2vac(obj) log_string = WavelengthCorrections.__module__ obj.header['HISTORY'] = log_string kcwi_fits_writer(obj, table=self.action.args.table,, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory, suffix=f'{suffix}w') self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=self.action.args.ccddata, suffix=f'{suffix}w', self.context.proctab.write_proctab(tfil=self.config.instrument.procfile) # Unsure here: Is this right? it seems to make DAR happy self.action.args.ccddata = obj return self.action.args
[docs] def air2vac(self, obj, mask=False): """ Convert wavelengths in a cube from standard air to vacuum. Args: obj (astropy HDU / HDUList): Input HDU/HDUList with 3D data. mask (bool): Set if the cube is a mask cube. :returns: HDU / HDUList: Trimmed FITS object with updated header. Return type matches type of obj argument. """ cube = np.nan_to_num(, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0) if obj.header['CTYPE3'] == 'WAVE': self.logger.warn("FITS already in vacuum wavelength.") return wave_air = self.get_wav_axis(obj.header) * u.AA wave_vac = self.a2v_conversion(wave_air) cwave_air = wave_air[int(wave_air.shape[0] / 2)] cwave_vac = wave_vac[int(wave_vac.shape[0] / 2)]"Air to Vacuum for (%.3f) gives %.3f" % (cwave_air.value, cwave_vac.value)) # resample to uniform grid cube_new = np.zeros_like(cube) for i in range(cube.shape[2]): for j in range(cube.shape[1]): spec0 = cube[:, j, i] if not mask: f_cubic = interp1d( wave_vac, spec0, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate' ) spec_new = f_cubic(wave_air) else: f_pre = interp1d( wave_vac, spec0, kind='previous', bounds_error=False, fill_value=128 ) spec_pre = f_pre(wave_air) f_nex = interp1d( wave_vac, spec0, kind='next', bounds_error=False, fill_value=128 ) spec_nex = f_nex(wave_air) spec_new = np.zeros_like(spec0) for k in range(spec0.shape[0]): spec_new[k] = max(spec_pre[k], spec_nex[k]) cube_new[:, j, i] = spec_new obj.header['CTYPE3'] = ('WAVE', 'Vacuum Wavelengths') = cube_new return obj
[docs] def a2v_conversion(self, wave): """ Convert air-based wavelengths to vacuum Adapted from in: Formula from Args: wave (ndarray): Wavelengths Returns: Wavelength array corrected to vacuum wavelengths """ # Convert to AA wave = wavelength = wave.value # Standard conversion format sigma_sq = (1.e4/wavelength)**2. # wavenumber squared factor = 1 + (5.792105e-2/(238.0185-sigma_sq)) + \ (1.67918e-3/(57.362-sigma_sq)) rind = factor[int(factor.shape[0] / 2)] rwav = wavelength[int(wavelength.shape[0] / 2)]"Refractive index = %.10f at %.3f Ang" % (rind, rwav)) # only modify above 2000A factor = factor*(wavelength >= 2000.) + 1.*(wavelength < 2000.) # Convert wavelength = wavelength*factor # Units new_wave = wavelength*u.AA return new_wave
[docs] def heliocentric(self, obj, correction_mode, mask=False, resample=True, vcorr=None): """ Apply heliocentric correction to the cubes. *Note that this only works for KCWI data because the location of Keck Observatory is hard-coded in the function.* Adapted from Args: obj (astropy HDU / HDUList): Input HDU/HDUList with 3D data. correction_mode (str): "none", "barycentric", or "heliocentric" mask (bool): Set if the cube is a mask cube. This only works for resampled cubes. resample (bool): Resample the cube to the original wavelength grid? vcorr (float): Use a different correction velocity. Returns: HDU / HDUList: Trimmed FITS object with updated header. vcorr (float): (if vcorr is True) Correction velocity in km/s. Return type matches type of fits_in argument. Examples: To apply heliocentric correction, >>> hdu_new = heliocentric(hdu_old) However, this resamples the wavelengths back to the original grid. To use the new grid without resampling the data, >>> hdu_new = heliocentric(hdu_old, resample=False) """ barycentric = ("barycentric" in correction_mode) cube = np.nan_to_num(, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0) v_old = 0. if 'VCORR' in obj.header: v_old = obj.header['VCORR']"Rolling back the existing correction with:")"Vcorr = %.2f km/s." % v_old) if vcorr is None: targ = SkyCoord( obj.header['TARGRA'], obj.header['TARGDEC'], unit='deg', obstime=obj.header['DATE-BEG'] ) lat = self.config.instrument.latitude lon = self.config.instrument.longitude alt = self.config.instrument.altitude keck = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat=lat, lon=lon, height=alt) if barycentric: vcorr = targ.radial_velocity_correction( kind='barycentric', location=keck) else: vcorr = targ.radial_velocity_correction( kind='heliocentric', location=keck) vcorr ='km/s').value"Helio/Barycentric correction:")"Vcorr = %.2f km/s." % vcorr) v_tot = vcorr-v_old if not resample: obj.header['CRVAL3'] *= (1 + v_tot / 2.99792458e5) obj.header['CD3_3'] *= (1 + v_tot / 2.99792458e5) obj.header['VCORR'] = (vcorr, 'km/s') obj.header['VCORRTYP'] = (correction_mode, 'Vcorr type') return obj wav_old = self.get_wav_axis(obj.header) wav_hel = wav_old * (1 + v_tot / 2.99792458e5) cwave_hel = self.action.args.cwave * (1 + v_tot / 2.99792458e5)"Vcorr for CWAVE (%.3f) gives %.3f" % (self.action.args.cwave, cwave_hel)) # resample to uniform grid"Resampling to uniform grid") cube_new = np.zeros_like(cube) for i in range(cube.shape[2]): for j in range(cube.shape[1]): spc0 = cube[:, j, i] if not mask: f_cubic = interp1d(wav_hel, spc0, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate') spec_new = f_cubic(wav_old) else: f_pre = interp1d(wav_hel, spc0, kind='previous', bounds_error=False, fill_value=128) spec_pre = f_pre(wav_old) f_nex = interp1d(wav_hel, spc0, kind='next', bounds_error=False, fill_value=128) spec_nex = f_nex(wav_old) spec_new = np.zeros_like(spc0) for k in range(spc0.shape[0]): spec_new[k] = max(spec_pre[k], spec_nex[k]) cube_new[:, j, i] = spec_new obj.header['VCORR'] = (vcorr, 'km/s') obj.header['VCORRTYP'] = (correction_mode, 'Vcorr type') = cube_new return obj
[docs] def get_wav_axis(self, header): """Returns a NumPy array representing the wavelength axis of a cube. Adapted from Args: header ( header that contains wavelength or velocity axis that is specified in 'CTYPE' keywords in any dimension. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Wavelength axis for this data. """ # Select the appropriate axis. naxis = header['NAXIS'] axis = None for i in range(naxis): # Keyword entry card = "CTYPE{0}".format(i + 1) if card not in header: self.logger.warning.error( "Header must contain 'CTYPE' keywords.") # Possible wave types. if header[card] in ['AWAV', 'WAVE', 'VELO']: axis = i + 1 break # No wavelength axis if axis is None: self.logger.error("Header must contain a wavelength/velocity axis.") retval = None else: # Get keywords defining wavelength axis nwav = header["NAXIS{0}".format(axis)] wav0 = header["CRVAL{0}".format(axis)] dwav = header["CD{0}_{0}".format(axis)] pix0 = header["CRPIX{0}".format(axis)] # Calculate and return retval = np.array([wav0 + (i - pix0) * dwav for i in range(nwav)]) return retval
[docs] def locate_object_file(self, suffix): """ Return FITS HDU list if current file with requested suffix can be found. Will return ``None`` if file cannot be found. Args: suffix (str): The file suffix that you want to operate on. Returns: FITS HDU List from kcwi_fits_reader routine, or ``None`` if file with suffix not found. """ ofn = objfn = strip_fname(ofn) + f'_{suffix}.fits' full_path = os.path.join( self.config.instrument.cwd, self.config.instrument.output_directory, objfn) if os.path.exists(full_path): return kcwi_fits_reader(full_path)[0] else: self.logger.error(f'Unable to read file {objfn}') return None