Keck Cosmic Web Imager DRP’s

KCWI_DRP is a the official data reduction pipeline (DRP) for the Keck Cosmic Web Imager. This DRP has been developed by the KCWI team at Caltech in collaboration with the W. M. Keck Observatory Scientific Software Group.

Release 1.0

We are happy to announce the first official release of the KCWI pipeline. This pipeline is based entirely on the glorious IDL pipeline developed by the KCWI team at Caltech and it is the only pipeline supported by the W. M. Keck Observatory.

What this version provides

  • Simplified installation via pip and conda environment
  • Vacuum to air and heliocentric or barycentric correction (the algorithms used here are courtesy of Yuguang Chen at Caltech)
  • Ability of using KOA file names or original file names
  • Better provenance and traceability of DRP versions and execution steps in the headers
  • Versatile sky subtraction modes including using external sky frames and ability of masking regions
  • Formal support system via GitHub issues

The pipeline is available for use at WMKO. We are in the process of automating the execution and ingestion of the reduced data into KOA.

For older versions, see Previous versions.


The DRP was developed in collaboration between:

  • Don Neill, Matt Matuszewki, Chris Martin and the KCWI Team at Caltech
  • Max Brodheim and Luca Rizzi at W. M. Keck Observatory

Maintenance and support of the DRP are provided as part of the Data Services Initiative (PI: John O’Meara), in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Indices and tables