Installing KCWI_DRP

This document describes how to install KCWI_DRP, for both users and developers.

If you encounter any issues beyond what is described on this page, see the Issues page. If nothing there helps you, see help.

Environment and External Dependencies

This section describes how to set up your Python environment for the KCWI DRP, and covers a few external dependencies.

We highly recommend that you use Anaconda for this installation. Using a conda environment ensures that the DRP’s requirements will not conflict with other software and packages you have installed on your machine, among other benefits.

Creating the Conda environment


If you have previously installed the DRP from source, and especially if it was a previous version, we strongly advise you to delete the kcwidrp environment and create a new one. Installation conflicts are likely to occur if a stale environment is used.

To remove a conda environment, use the following command:

conda remove --name kcwidrp --all

The following will create a conda environment called kcwidrp, and activate it.

conda create --name kcwidrp python=3.7
conda activate kcwidrp


The KCWI DRP uses bokeh for plotting, which requires access to a web browser. We recommend installing Firefox for this purpose, as it is the browser used for testing and validating the DRP. Other browsers have been reported to work, but we haven’t tested them ourselves.

If you are running the DRP on a headless system and run into issues with driver support, see firefox/geckodriver issues.

Getting and Installing the DRP

The following sections describe how to install the pipeline into your new environment. We recommend most users follow the pip section. If you plan on editing the pipeline, follow the Installing Manually section.

Installing From Source

To install directly from the source code, see the developer install instructions.