Development Procedure

The following document describes the procedure to follow for making changes to KCWI_DRP.

Installing for Development

We recommend installing directly from the source code if you plan on working on the pipeline.

git clone
pip install -e .


We are using ssh to clone from GitHub, this is required if you plan on making pushes directly to the repository. You may use HTTPS (i.e. git clone if needed for your setup.

Using the -e flag with pip makes the installation editable. This means that any changes you make to the code will take effect immediately, and you will not need to re-install the pipeline after each change.


Installing using directly can lead to conflicts if you later try using pip. If you need to install using pip later, it is highly recommended that you create a new conda environment first. It is possible to uninstall the kcwidrp module, but it is not 100% reliable.

Managing Git

There are two persistent branches in the KCWI_DRP repo:

  • master (default): This branch contains the current release version of the code, and provides the source used to build the package for conda and pip.

  • develop: This branch contains new features and non-essential fixes. It should be stable at all times. A new release is triggered by this branch being merged into master. Any new code should be added to this branch.

When adding new code, please do your development in a branch off of develop:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout -b new_feature

While developing, it is important to stay up-to-date with any changes in the develop branch:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout new_feature
git merge --no-ff develop

Alternatively, you can do your own development in your own fork of the repo.

Pull Requests

Once your new feature is ready for merging into the develop branch, you need to issue a pull request. The pull request must contain the following:

  1. A short but thorough explanation of the feature and its purpose

  2. A pass from the automatic TravisCI tests

  3. Evidence of successfully processing a night of KCWI data

Additionally, the code must meet the following:

  • All code must be documented. This includes updated docstrings for altered code and new ones for new functions or classes

  • Comments explaining any unusually complicated or unintuitive code blocks, in addition to the documentation above

  • Remove all print statements. If you need to output information to terminal, use the logging interface

  • At least two developers must approve of the request for it to be accepted

If your pull request meets all of the above, it will be merged into develop during the next developer meeting.

Merging develop into master

At the developer’s discretion, develop will be merged into master, which will signify a new sub-release. The version number should be incremented in develop, and a summary of changes should be added to changelog.txt. Then, issue and accept a pull request from develop into master.

Building for Release

These instructions summarize the steps required to build a new release of kcwidrp for conda or pip. These steps should be followed every time master is updated.


In order to upload to pip, you will need access to a PyPI account with owndership status for the kcwidrp project. For access to the KeckDRPs account, ask the DSI Team.

After your pull request is merged into master, download the changes:

git checkout master
git pull

Next, ensure that the dist directory is empty, or does not exist. If any previous versions exist in the dist directory, they will conflict with the upload to PyPI):

# Make sure you have the most recent version of twine installed
pip install twine --upgrade

# Construct the pip distribution
python sdist bdist_wheel

# Test the upload by uploading to TestPyPI
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Make sure that the test upload worked using the following command, replacing VERSION with the version number in

pip install --index-url --extra-index-url kcwidrp==VERSION

Setting --index-url tells pip where to find our package (in this case, the test server). --extra-index-url tells pip to install all other packages (i.e. requirements) from the default server.

Ensure that the pipeline is built correctly, requirements were installed, and that you are able to reduce a test dataset. If all went well, finalize the upload to PyPI (pip) with

twine upload dist/*


Eventually, these steps will be rendered obsolete by the use of conda-forge. In the meantime, the following instructions will build a conda package from the pip package. This should be run whenever a new pip version is created.

conda update conda
conda install conda-build anaconda-client

conda-build conda_build_files
conda build conda_build_files --output

anaconda login
anaconda upload PATH-FROM-OUTPUT