Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.SolveArcs

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import get_plot_lims, oplot_slices, \
    set_plot_lims, save_plot
from kcwidrp.primitives.GetAtlasLines import get_line_window, gaus
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import plotlabel

import numpy as np
from import boxcar
import scipy as sp
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate
from scipy.stats import sigmaclip
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Range1d, LinearAxis
import time

[docs]class SolveArcs(BasePrimitive): """ Solve individual bar arc spectra for wavelength. For each bar, identifies the atlas lines found in in the observed spectrum and use the pixel positions along with the atlas wavelengths to determine the wavelength solution for the bar. Uses the following configuration parameters: * FRACMAX: fraction of line maximum to use for fitting peak. Defaults to 0.5 for BLUE and 0.25 for RED. * LINETHRESH: the threshhold intensity for finding observed lines. Defaults to 100 for BLUE and 10 for RED (can also be set on the command line). Outputs diagnostic plots of the fitting and stores the coefficients for later use. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger self.action.args.fincoeff = [] self.action.args.xsvals = None self.action.args.av_bar_sig = [] self.action.args.st_bar_sig = [] self.action.args.av_bar_nls = [] self.action.args.st_bar_nls = [] def _pre_condition(self):"Checking for master arc") if 'MARC' in self.action.args.ccddata.header['IMTYPE']: return True else: return False def _perform(self): """Solve individual arc bar spectra for wavelength""""Solving individual arc spectra") # plot control booleans master_inter = (self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2) do_inter = (self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 3) plab = plotlabel(self.action.args) # output control verbose = (self.config.instrument.verbose > 1) frac_max = self.config.instrument.FRACMAX"Finding line windows using fraction of line max of " "%.2f" % frac_max) # Bar statistics bar_sig = [] bar_nls = [] # set thresh for finding lines hgt = self.config.instrument.LINETHRESH"line thresh = %.2f" % hgt) # get relevant part of atlas spectrum atwave = self.action.args.refwave[self.action.args.atminrow: self.action.args.atmaxrow] atspec = self.action.args.reflux[self.action.args.atminrow: self.action.args.atmaxrow] # convert list into ndarray at_wave = np.asarray(self.action.args.at_wave) at_flux = np.asarray(self.action.args.at_flux) # get x values starting at zero pixels self.action.args.xsvals = np.arange(0, len( self.context.arcs[self.config.instrument.REFBAR])) # loop over arcs and generate a wavelength solution for each next_bar_to_plot = 0 # Get poly order if self.action.args.dichroic_fraction <= 0.6: def_poly_order = 2 elif 0.6 < self.action.args.dichroic_fraction < 0.75: def_poly_order = 3 else: def_poly_order = 4 poly_order = def_poly_order for ib, b in enumerate(self.context.arcs):"FITTING BAR %d" % ib) # Starting with pascal shifted coeffs from fit_center() coeff = self.action.args.twkcoeff[ib] # get bar wavelengths bw = np.polyval(coeff, self.action.args.xsvals) # smooth spectrum according to slicer if 'Small' in self.action.args.ifuname: # no smoothing for Small slicer bspec = b else: if 'Large' in self.action.args.ifuname: # max smoothing for Large slicer win = boxcar(5) else: # intermediate smoothing for Medium slicer win = boxcar(3) # do the smoothing bspec = sp.signal.convolve(b, win, mode='same') / sum(win) # store values to fit at_wave_dat = [] # atlas line wavelengths at_flux_dat = [] # atlas line peak fluxes arc_pix_dat = [] # arc line pixel positions arc_int_dat = [] # arc line pixel intensities rej_wave = [] # rejected line wavelengths rej_flux = [] # rejected line fluxes gaus_sig = [] nrej = 0 # loop over lines for iw, aw in enumerate(self.action.args.at_wave): # get window for this line try: # get arc line initial pixel position line_x = [i for i, v in enumerate(bw) if v >= aw][0] # get window for arc line minow, maxow, count = get_line_window( bspec, line_x, thresh=hgt, logger=(self.logger if verbose else None), frac_max=frac_max) # do we have enough points to fit? if count < 5 or not minow or not maxow: rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc window rejected for line %.3f" % aw) continue # check if window no longer contains initial value if line_x < minow or line_x > maxow: rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose: "Arc window wandered off for line %.3f" % aw) continue # get data to fit yvec = bspec[minow:maxow + 1] xvec = self.action.args.xsvals[minow:maxow + 1] wvec = bw[minow:maxow + 1] f0 = max(yvec) par_start = [f0, np.nanmean(xvec), 1.0] # par_bounds = ([f0*0.9, np.min(xvec), 0.5], # [f0*1.1, np.max(xvec), 2.5]) # Gaussian fit try: fit, _ = curve_fit(gaus, xvec, yvec, p0=par_start, maxfev=5000) # bounds=par_bounds, method='trf') sp_pk_x = fit[1] gaus_sig.append(fit[2]) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose: "Arc Gaussian fit rejected for line %.3f" % aw) # sp_pk_x = line_x continue # get interpolation of arc line int_line = interpolate.interp1d(xvec, yvec, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') # use very dense sampling xplot = np.linspace(min(xvec), max(xvec), num=1000) # re-sample line with dense sampling plt_line = int_line(xplot) # get peak position max_index = plt_line.argmax() peak = xplot[max_index] # calculate centroid cent = np.sum(xvec * yvec) / np.sum(yvec) # how different is the centroid from the peak? if abs(cent - peak) > 0.8: # keep track of rejected line rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc peak - cent offset = %.2f " "rejected for line %.3f" % (abs(cent - peak), aw)) continue if plt_line[max_index] < hgt: # keep track of rejected line rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc peak too low = %.2f " "rejected for line %.3f" % (plt_line[max_index], aw)) continue # store surviving line data arc_pix_dat.append(peak) arc_int_dat.append(plt_line[max_index]) at_wave_dat.append(aw) at_flux_dat.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) # plot, if requested if do_inter and ib == next_bar_to_plot: ptitle = " Bar# %d - line %3d/%3d: xc = %.1f, " \ "Wave = %9.2f" % \ (ib, (iw + 1), len(self.action.args.at_wave), peak, aw) atx0 = [i for i, v in enumerate(atwave) if v >= min(wvec)][0] atx1 = [i for i, v in enumerate(atwave) if v >= max(wvec)][0] atnorm = np.nanmax(yvec) / np.nanmax(atspec[atx0:atx1]) p = figure( title=plab + "ATLAS/ARC LINE FITS" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Relative Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) ylim = [0, np.nanmax(yvec)] p.line(atwave[atx0:atx1], atspec[atx0:atx1] * atnorm, color='blue', legend_label='Atlas')[atx0:atx1], atspec[atx0:atx1] * atnorm, color='green', legend_label='Atlas') p.line([aw, aw], ylim, color='red', legend_label='AtCntr') p.x_range = Range1d(start=min(wvec), end=max(wvec)) p.extra_x_ranges = {"pix": Range1d(start=min(xvec), end=max(xvec))} p.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="pix", axis_label="CCD Y pix"), 'above') p.line(xplot, plt_line, color='black', legend_label='Arc', x_range_name="pix"), yvec, legend_label='Arc', color='red', x_range_name="pix") ylim = [0, np.nanmax(plt_line)] p.line([cent, cent], ylim, color='green', legend_label='Cntr', line_dash='dashed', x_range_name="pix") p.line([sp_pk_x, sp_pk_x], ylim, color='magenta', legend_label='Gpeak', line_dash='dashdot', x_range_name="pix") p.line([peak, peak], ylim, color='black', legend_label='Peak', line_dash='dashdot', x_range_name="pix") p.y_range.start = 0 bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) q = input(ptitle + " - Next? <cr>, q to quit: ") if 'Q' in q.upper(): do_inter = False except IndexError: if verbose: "Atlas line not in observation: %.2f" % aw) rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 continue except ValueError: if verbose: "Interpolation error for line at %.2f" % aw) rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1"") n_points = len(arc_pix_dat)"Fitting wavelength solution starting with %d " "lines after rejecting %d lines" % (n_points, nrej)) # Fit wavelengths if n_points < 2: self.logger.warning("Not enough points for wavelength " "solution! Using central coeffs") # store final fit coefficients self.action.args.fincoeff.append(coeff) # store statistics bar_sig.append(0.0) bar_nls.append(n_points) continue elif n_points < def_poly_order: poly_order = n_points - 1 else: poly_order = def_poly_order"Fitting with polynomial order %d" % poly_order) # Initial fit wfit = np.polyfit(arc_pix_dat, at_wave_dat, poly_order) pwfit = np.poly1d(wfit) arc_wave_fit = pwfit(arc_pix_dat) # fit residuals resid = arc_wave_fit - at_wave_dat resid_c, low, upp = sigmaclip(resid, low=3., high=3.) wsig = resid_c.std() # maximum outlier max_resid = np.max(abs(resid))"wsig: %.3f, max_resid: %.3f" % (wsig, max_resid)) # keep track of rejected lines rej_rsd = [] # rejected line residuals rej_rsd_wave = [] # rejected line wavelengths rej_rsd_flux = [] # rejected line fluxes # iteratively remove outliers it = 0 # only reject if we have enough points if len(arc_pix_dat) > (poly_order + 1): while (max_resid > 2.5 * wsig or max_resid >= 10.) and it < 25: arc_dat = [] # arc line pixel values arc_fdat = [] # arc line flux data at_dat = [] # atlas line wavelength values at_fdat = [] # atlas line flux data # trim largest outlier for il, rsd in enumerate(resid): if abs(rsd) < max_resid and abs(rsd) < 10.: # append data for line that passed cut arc_dat.append(arc_pix_dat[il]) arc_fdat.append(arc_int_dat[il]) at_dat.append(at_wave_dat[il]) at_fdat.append(at_flux_dat[il]) else: if verbose:"It%d REJ: %d, %.2f, %.3f, " "%.3f" % (it, il, arc_pix_dat[il], at_wave_dat[il], rsd)) # keep track of rejected lines rej_rsd_wave.append(at_wave_dat[il]) rej_rsd_flux.append(at_flux_dat[il]) rej_rsd.append(rsd) # copy cleaned data back into input arrays arc_pix_dat = arc_dat.copy() arc_int_dat = arc_fdat.copy() at_wave_dat = at_dat.copy() at_flux_dat = at_fdat.copy() # refit cleaned data wfit = np.polyfit(arc_pix_dat, at_wave_dat, poly_order) # new wavelength function pwfit = np.poly1d(wfit) # new wavelengths for arc lines arc_wave_fit = pwfit(arc_pix_dat) # calculate residuals of arc lines resid = arc_wave_fit - at_wave_dat # get statistics resid_c, low, upp = sigmaclip(resid, low=3., high=3.) wsig = resid_c.std() # maximum outlier max_resid = np.max(abs(resid)) # wsig = np.nanstd(resid) it += 1 # END while max_resid > 3.5 * wsig and it < 5: # log arc bar results"")"BAR %03d, Slice = %02d, RMS = %.3f, N = %d" % (ib, int(ib / 5), wsig, len(arc_pix_dat))) "Nits: %d, wsig: %.3f, max_resid: %.3f" % (it, wsig, max_resid))"NRejRsd: %d, NRejFit: %d" % (len(rej_rsd_wave), len(rej_wave)))"Line width median sigma: %.2f px" % np.nanmedian(gaus_sig))"Coefs: " + ' '.join(['%.6g' % (c,) for c in reversed(wfit)])) # store final fit coefficients if poly_order < def_poly_order: nins = def_poly_order - poly_order wfit = np.insert(wfit, 0, np.zeros(nins, dtype=float)) self.action.args.fincoeff.append(wfit) # store statistics bar_sig.append(wsig) bar_nls.append(len(arc_pix_dat)) # do plotting? if master_inter and ib == next_bar_to_plot: # plot bar fit residuals ptitle = " for Bar %03d, Slice %02d, RMS = %.3f, N = %d" % \ (ib, int(ib / 5), wsig, len(arc_pix_dat)) p = figure(title=plab + "RESIDUALS" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Fit - Inp (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(at_wave_dat, resid, color='green', legend_label='Kept', size=8) if rej_rsd_wave: p.diamond(rej_rsd_wave, rej_rsd, color='orange', legend_label='RejRsd', size=8) if rej_wave: p.diamond(rej_wave, np.zeros(len(rej_wave)), color='red', legend_label='RejFit', size=6) xlim = [self.action.args.atminwave, self.action.args.atmaxwave] ylim = get_plot_lims(list(resid)+list(rej_rsd)) p.line(xlim, [0., 0.], color='black', line_dash='dotted') p.line(xlim, [wsig, wsig], color='gray', line_dash='dashdot') p.line(xlim, [-wsig, -wsig], color='gray', line_dash='dashdot') p.line([self.action.args.cwave, self.action.args.cwave], ylim, legend_label='CWAV', color='magenta', line_dash='dashdot') set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) input("Next? <cr>: ") # overplot atlas and bar using fit wavelengths p = figure(title=plab + "ATLAS/ARC FIT" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) bwav = pwfit(self.action.args.xsvals) p.line(bwav, b, color='darkgrey', legend_label='Arc') p.diamond(arc_wave_fit, arc_int_dat, color='darkgrey', size=8) ylim = [np.nanmin(b), np.nanmax(b)] atnorm = np.nanmax(b) / np.nanmax(atspec) p.line(atwave, atspec * atnorm, color='blue', legend_label='Atlas') p.line([self.action.args.cwave, self.action.args.cwave], ylim, color='magenta', line_dash='dashdot', legend_label='CWAV') p.diamond(at_wave, at_flux * atnorm, legend_label='Kept', color='green', size=8) if rej_rsd_wave: p.diamond(rej_rsd_wave, [rj*atnorm for rj in rej_rsd_flux], color='orange', legend_label='RejRsd', size=6) p.diamond(rej_wave, [rj*atnorm for rj in rej_flux], color='red', legend_label='RejFit', size=6) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) q = input("Next? <int> or <cr>, q - quit: ") if 'Q' in q.upper(): master_inter = False else: try: next_bar_to_plot = int(q) except ValueError: next_bar_to_plot = ib + 1 # Plot final results nbars = self.config.instrument.NBARS # plot output name stub pfname = "arc_%05d_%s_%s_%s_tf%02d" % ( self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname, int(100*self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC)) # Plot coefs if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: ylabs = ['Ang/px^4', 'Ang/px^3', 'Ang/px^2', 'Ang/px', 'Ang'] ylabs = ylabs[-(def_poly_order+1):] for ic in reversed( range(len(self.action.args.fincoeff[0]))): # collect bar values for this particular coefficient coef = [] for c in self.action.args.fincoeff: try: coef.append(c[ic]) except IndexError: coef.append(0.0) # some stats cf_av = float(np.nanmean(coef)) cf_st = float(np.nanstd(coef)) cn = poly_order - ic if cn > 0: ptitle = plab + "COEF %d VALUES <C%d> = " \ "%.3g +- %.3g" % (cn, cn, cf_av, cf_st) else: ptitle = plab + "COEF %d VALUES <C%d> = " \ "%.2f +- %.2f" % (cn, cn, cf_av, cf_st) p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="Coef %d (%s)" % (cn, ylabs[ic]), plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(list(range(nbars)), coef, size=8) xlim = [-1, nbars] ylim = get_plot_lims(coef, clip=False) p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save coefficients plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_coef%d.png' % cn) # Plot number of lines fit self.action.args.av_bar_nls = float(np.nanmean(bar_nls)) self.action.args.st_bar_nls = float(np.nanstd(bar_nls)) ptitle = plab + \ "FIT STATS <Nlns> = %.1f +- %.1f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.st_bar_nls) p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="N Lines", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(list(range(nbars)), bar_nls, size=8) xlim = [-1, nbars] ylim = get_plot_lims(bar_nls)"<N Lines> = %.1f +- %.1f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.st_bar_nls)) p.line(xlim, [self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.av_bar_nls], color='red') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_nls - self.action.args.st_bar_nls), (self.action.args.av_bar_nls - self.action.args.st_bar_nls)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_nls + self.action.args.st_bar_nls), (self.action.args.av_bar_nls + self.action.args.st_bar_nls)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save N lines plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_nlines.png') # Plot fit sigmas self.action.args.av_bar_sig = float(np.nanmean(bar_sig)) self.action.args.st_bar_sig = float(np.nanstd(bar_sig))"<STD> = %.3f +- %.3f (A)" % (self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.st_bar_sig)) ptitle = plab + \ "FIT STATS <RMS> = %.3f +- %.3f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.st_bar_sig) p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="RMS (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(list(range(nbars)), bar_sig, size=8) xlim = [-1, nbars] ylim = get_plot_lims(bar_sig) p.line(xlim, [self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.av_bar_sig], color='red') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_sig - self.action.args.st_bar_sig), (self.action.args.av_bar_sig - self.action.args.st_bar_sig)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_sig + self.action.args.st_bar_sig), (self.action.args.av_bar_sig + self.action.args.st_bar_sig)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save residual plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_resid.png') log_string = SolveArcs.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string return self.action.args
# END: def _perform(self):