Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.FlagSaturation

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_writer

import numpy as np

[docs]class FlagSaturation(BasePrimitive): """ Flag saturated pixels. Currently flags pixels with values > 60,000 counts with a value of 8 in the flags FITS extension and updates the following FITS header keywords: * SATFLAG: set to ``True`` if operation is performed. * NSATFLAG: set to the count of saturated pixels. Uses the following configuration parameter: * saveintims: if set to ``True`` write out a flagged version of image in \*_fsat.fits. Defaults to ``False``. Updates the flag extension of the image in the returned arguments. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _perform(self):"Flagging saturated pixels") # Header keyword to update key = 'SATFLAG' keycom = 'flagged saturated pixels?' # Create flags for saturated pixels flags = np.zeros(, dtype=np.uint8) sat = np.where( > 60000) flags[sat] += 8 number_of_sat_pixels = np.sum(sat) sat = np.where( == 0) flags[sat] += 8 number_of_sat_pixels += np.sum(sat) self.action.args.ccddata.header[key] = (True, keycom)"Flagged %d saturated pixels" % number_of_sat_pixels) self.action.args.ccddata.header['NSATFLAG'] = \ (number_of_sat_pixels, 'number of saturated pixels flagged') log_string = FlagSaturation.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string # add flags array # DN 2023-may-28: commenting out mask update because # it causes bad things later on # self.action.args.ccddata.mask = flags self.action.args.ccddata.flags = flags if self.config.instrument.saveintims: kcwi_fits_writer(self.action.args.ccddata, table=self.action.args.table,, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory, suffix="fsat") return self.action.args
# END: class CorrectDefects()