Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives

from keckdrpframework.models.arguments import Arguments
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from astropy.table import Table
# from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
import os
import logging
import pkg_resources
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

logger = logging.getLogger('KCWI')

def parse_imsec(section=None):

    xfor = True
    yfor = True

    p1 = int(section[1:-1].split(',')[0].split(':')[0])
    p2 = int(section[1:-1].split(',')[0].split(':')[1])
    p3 = int(section[1:-1].split(',')[1].split(':')[0])
    p4 = int(section[1:-1].split(',')[1].split(':')[1])
    # tests for individual axes
    if p1 > p2:
        x0 = p2 - 1
        x1 = p1 - 1
        xfor = False
        x0 = p1 - 1
        x1 = p2 - 1
    if p3 > p4:
        y0 = p4 - 1
        y1 = p3 - 1
        yfor = False
        y0 = p3 - 1
        y1 = p4 - 1
    # package output
    sec = (y0, y1, x0, x1)
    rfor = (yfor, xfor)
    # use python axis ordering
    return sec, rfor

[docs]class ingest_file(BasePrimitive): def __init__(self, action, context): """ Constructor """ BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def get_keyword(self, keyword): try: keyval = self.ccddata.header[keyword] except KeyError: keyval = None # return self.context.data_set.get_info_column(, keyword) return keyval def camera(self): camera = self.get_keyword('CAMERA') if 'BLUE' in camera: return 0 elif 'RED' in camera: return 1 else: return -1 def camang(self): if == 0: # Blue key = 'BARTANG' elif == 1: # Red key = 'RARTANG' else: raise ValueError("unable to determine camera angle: " "CAMERA undefined") return self.get_keyword(key) def filter(self): if == 0: # Blue filt = self.get_keyword('BFILTNAM') elif == 1: # Red filt = 'None' else: raise ValueError("unable to determine filter: " "CAMERA undefined") return filt def grangle(self): if == 0: # Blue key = 'BGRANGLE' elif == 1: # Red key = 'RGRANGLE' else: raise ValueError("unable to determine grating angle: " "CAMERA undefined") return self.get_keyword(key) def grating(self): if == 0: # Blue key = 'BGRATNAM' elif == 1: # Red key = 'RGRATNAM' else: raise ValueError("unable to determine grating: CAMERA undefined") return self.get_keyword(key) def adjang(self): if 'BH' in self.grating() or 'RH' in self.grating(): return 180.0 if 'BM' in self.grating() or 'RM' in self.grating(): return 0.0 if 'BL' in self.grating() or 'RL' in self.grating(): return 0.0 def atsig(self): if 'H' in self.grating(): if self.ifunum() > 2: return 0.75 else: return 2.5 elif 'M' in self.grating(): if self.ifunum() >= 2: return 2.0 else: return 4.0 elif 'L' in self.grating(): if self.ifunum() == 2: return 10.0 elif self.ifunum() == 3: return 5.0 else: return 14.0 def rho(self): if 'BH1' in self.grating(): return 3.751 elif 'BH2' in self.grating(): return 3.255 elif 'BH3' in self.grating(): return 2.800 elif 'RH1' in self.grating(): return 2.420 elif 'RH2' in self.grating(): return 2.068 # kcwi_sim_kcrm value is 2.030 elif 'RH3' in self.grating(): return 1.705 elif 'RH4' in self.grating(): return 1.435 elif 'BM' in self.grating(): return 1.900 elif 'RM1' in self.grating(): return 1.220 elif 'RM2' in self.grating(): return 0.921 elif 'BL' in self.grating(): return 0.870 elif 'RL' in self.grating(): return 0.514 else: return None def cwave(self): if == 0: # Blue key = 'BCWAVE' elif == 1: # Red key = 'RCWAVE' else: raise ValueError("unable to determine central wavelength: " "CAMERA undefined") return self.get_keyword(key) def dich(self): if == 0: # Blue if self.get_keyword('RCWAVE'): return True else: return False elif == 1: # Red return True
[docs] def resolution(self): """Return FWHM resolution in Angstroms for the given grating""" # get reference wavelength refwave = self.cwave() if refwave: rw = refwave else: if 'B' in self.grating(): rw = 4500. else: rw = 7500. # Calc rez from grating resolution (d-lambda = lambda/R) # First, assume large slicer IFU if 'BH' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 5000. elif 'RH' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 4600. elif 'BM' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 2500. elif 'RM' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 1900. elif 'BL' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 1250. elif 'RL' in self.grating(): rez = rw / 800. else: raise ValueError("unable to compute atlas resolution: " "grating undefined") # Adjust for slicer if self.ifunum() == 2: # Medium slicer rez /= 2. elif self.ifunum() == 3: # Small slicer rez /= 4. return rez
[docs] def delta_wave_out(self): """Return output delta lambda in Angstroms for the given grating""" # Calc delta wave out from grating if 'BH' in self.grating(): dw = 0.125 * float(self.ybinsize()) elif 'RH' in self.grating(): dw = 0.125 * float(self.ybinsize()) elif 'BM' in self.grating(): dw = 0.25 * float(self.ybinsize()) elif 'RM' in self.grating(): dw = 0.25 * float(self.ybinsize()) elif 'BL' in self.grating(): dw = 0.5 * float(self.ybinsize()) elif 'RL' in self.grating(): dw = 0.5 * float(self.ybinsize()) else: raise ValueError("unable to compute output delta lambda: " "grating undefined") return dw
def namps(self): return self.get_keyword('NVIDINP') def nasmask(self): if == 0: # Blue if 'Mask' in self.get_keyword('BNASNAM'): return True else: return False elif == 1: # Red if 'Mask' in self.get_keyword('RNASNAM'): return True else: return False else: raise ValueError("unable to determine mask: CAMERA undefined") def numopen(self): return self.get_keyword('NUMOPEN') def shufrows(self): return self.get_keyword('SHUFROWS') def ampmode(self): return self.get_keyword('AMPMODE') def xbinsize(self): return int(self.get_keyword('BINNING').split(',')[0]) def ybinsize(self): return int(self.get_keyword('BINNING').split(',')[-1]) def plotlabel(self): lab = "[ Img # %d " % self.get_keyword('FRAMENO') lab += "(%s) " % self.illum() lab += "Slicer: %s, " % self.ifuname() lab += "Grating: %s, " % self.grating() lab += "CWave: %d, " % int(self.cwave()) lab += "Filter: %s " % self.filter() lab += "] " return lab def ifuname(self): return self.get_keyword('IFUNAM') def ifunum(self): return self.get_keyword('IFUNUM') def imtype(self): return self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') def illum(self): # set ILLUM keyword # ARCS if self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'ARCLAMP': if self.get_keyword('LMP0STAT') == 1 and \ self.get_keyword('LMP0SHST') == 1: illum = self.get_keyword('LMP0NAM') elif self.get_keyword('LMP1STAT') == 1 and \ self.get_keyword('LMP1SHST') == 1: illum = self.get_keyword('LMP1NAM') else: illum = 'Test' # Internal FLATS elif self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'FLATLAMP': if self.get_keyword('LMP3STAT') == 1: illum = 'Contin' else: illum = 'Test' # DOMES elif self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'DOMEFLAT': if self.get_keyword('FLIMAGIN') == 'on' or \ self.get_keyword('FLSPECTR') == 'on': illum = 'Dome' else: illum = 'Test' # Twilight FLATS elif self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'TWIFLAT': illum = 'Twilit' # BARS elif self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'CONTBARS': if self.get_keyword('LMP3STAT') == 1: illum = 'Contin' else: illum = 'Test' # OBJECT elif self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') == 'OBJECT': obnam = self.get_keyword('OBJECT') if obnam is None: obnam = self.get_keyword('TARGNAME') if obnam is None: obnam = 'Object' # clean up the string illum = obnam.replace("/", "_").replace(" ", "").replace(".", "_") else: illum = 'Test' return illum def calibration_lamp(self): if self.get_keyword('IMTYPE') != 'ARCLAMP': return None else: lamps_dictionary = { 0: "FeAr", 1: "ThAr", 2: "Aux", 3: "Continuum A" } for key in lamps_dictionary.keys(): status = self.get_keyword('LMP%dSTAT' % key) shutter = self.get_keyword('LMP%dSHST' % key) if status == 1 and shutter == 1: return lamps_dictionary[key]
[docs] def map_ccd(self): """Return CCD section variables useful for processing Uses FITS keyword NVIDINP to determine how many amplifiers were used to read out the CCD. Then reads the corresponding BSECn, and DSECn keywords, where n is the amplifier number. The indices are converted to Python (0-biased, y axis first) indices and an array is constructed for each of the two useful sections of the CCD as follows: Bsec[0][0] - First amp, y lower limit Bsec[0][1] - First amp, y upper limit Bsec[0][2] - First amp, x lower limit Bsec[0][3] - First amp, x upper limit Bsec[1][0] - Second amp, y lower limit etc. Bsec is the full overscan region for the given amplifier and is used to calculate and perform the overscan subtraction. Dsec is the full CCD region for the given amplifier and is used to trim the image after overscan subtraction has been performed. Tsec accounts for trimming the image according to Dsec. Amps are assumed to be organized as follows: (0,ny) --------- (nx,ny) | 3 | 4 | --------- | 1 | 2 | (0,0) --------- (nx, 0) Args: ----- self: instance of CcdPrimitive class (automatic) Returns: -------- list: (int) y0, y1, x0, x1 for bias section list: (int) y0, y1, x0, x1 for data section list: (int) y0, y1, x0, x1 for trimmed section list: (bool) y-direction, x-direction, True if forward, else False """ namps = int(self.get_keyword('NVIDINP')) # TODO: check namps # section lists bsec = [] dsec = [] tsec = [] direc = [] # loop over amps for i in range(namps): section = self.get_keyword('BSEC%d' % (i + 1)) sec, rfor = parse_imsec(section) bsec.append(sec) section = self.get_keyword('DSEC%d' % (i + 1)) sec, rfor = parse_imsec(section) dsec.append(sec) direc.append(rfor) if i == 0: y0 = 0 y1 = sec[1] - sec[0] x0 = 0 x1 = sec[3] - sec[2] elif i == 1: y0 = 0 y1 = sec[1] - sec[0] x0 = tsec[0][3] + 1 x1 = x0 + sec[3] - sec[2] elif i == 2: y0 = tsec[0][1] + 1 y1 = y0 + sec[1] - sec[0] x0 = 0 x1 = sec[3] - sec[2] elif i == 3: y0 = tsec[0][1] + 1 y1 = y0 + sec[1] - sec[0] x0 = tsec[0][3] + 1 x1 = x0 + sec[3] - sec[2] else: # should not get here y0 = -1 y1 = -1 x0 = -1 x1 = -1 #"ERROR - bad amp number: %d" % i) tsec.append((y0, y1, x0, x1)) return bsec, dsec, tsec, direc
def _perform(self): # if self.context.data_set is None: # self.context.data_set = DataSet(None, self.logger, self.config, # self.context.event_queue) # self.context.data_set.append_item( "------------------- Ingesting file %s -------------------" % self.action.event._recurrent = True = out_args = Arguments() ccddata, table = kcwi_fits_reader( # save the ccd data into an object # that can be shared across the functions self.ccddata = ccddata out_args.ccddata = ccddata out_args.table = table imtype = self.get_keyword("IMTYPE") groupid = self.get_keyword("GROUPID") if imtype is None: fname = os.path.basename( self.logger.warn(f"Unknown IMTYPE {fname}") self.action.event._reccurent = False if self.check_if_file_can_be_processed(imtype) is False: # self.logger.warn("Object frame cannot be reduced. Rescheduling") self.action.new_event = None return None else: self.action.event._recurrent = False = out_args.imtype = imtype out_args.groupid = groupid # CAMERA = # DICH out_args.dich = self.dich() # CAMANGLE out_args.camangle = self.camang() # FILTER out_args.filter = self.filter() # GRANGLE out_args.grangle = self.grangle() # GRATING out_args.grating = self.grating() # ADJANGLE out_args.adjang = self.adjang() # RHO out_args.rho = self.rho() # CWAVE out_args.cwave = self.cwave() # RESOLUTION out_args.resolution = self.resolution() # ATSIG out_args.atsig = self.atsig() # DELTA WAVE OUT out_args.dwout = self.delta_wave_out() # NAMPS out_args.namps = int(self.get_keyword('NVIDINP')) # NASMASK out_args.nasmask = self.nasmask() # SHUFROWS out_args.shufrows = self.shufrows() # NUMOPEN out_args.numopen = self.numopen() # AMPMODE out_args.ampmode = self.ampmode() # BINNING out_args.xbinsize, out_args.ybinsize = \ map(int, self.get_keyword('BINNING').split(',')) # IFUNUM out_args.ifunum = int(self.get_keyword('IFUNUM')) # IFUNAM out_args.ifuname = self.get_keyword('IFUNAM') # PLOTLABEL out_args.plotlabel = self.plotlabel() # ILUM out_args.illum = self.illum() # MAPCCD out_args.map_ccd = self.map_ccd() # CALIBRATION LAMP out_args.calibration_lamp = self.calibration_lamp() # TTIME out_args.ttime = self.get_keyword('TTIME') # Are we already in proctab? out_args.in_proctab = self.context.proctab.in_proctab( frame=out_args.ccddata) return out_args def apply(self): if self._pre_condition(): try: output = self._perform() except ValueError as e: self.logger.warn("UNABLE TO INGEST THE FILE") self.logger.warn("Reason: %s" % e) return None if self._post_condition(): self.output = output return self.output def check_if_file_can_be_processed(self, imtype): # bias frames bias_frames = self.context.proctab.search_proctab(frame=self.ccddata, target_type='MBIAS', nearest=True) # continuum bars contbars_frames = self.context.proctab.search_proctab(frame=self.ccddata, target_type='CONTBARS', nearest=True) # master flats masterflat_frames = self.context.proctab.search_proctab(frame=self.ccddata, target_type='MFLAT', nearest=True) # inverse sensitivity inverse_sensitivity_frames = self.context.proctab.search_proctab(frame=self.ccddata, target_type='INVSENS', nearest=True) # arclamp arclamp_frames = self.context.proctab.search_proctab(frame=self.ccddata, target_type='ARCLAMP', nearest=True) if imtype == 'OBJECT': if len(bias_frames) > 0 \ and len(masterflat_frames) > 0 \ and len(arclamp_frames) > 0: return True else: self.logger.warn("Cannot reduce OBJECT frame. Rescheduling for later. Found:") self.logger.warn(f"\tMBIAS: {len(bias_frames)}") self.logger.warn(f"\tMFLAT: {len(masterflat_frames)}") self.logger.warn(f"\tARCLAMP: {len(arclamp_frames)}") return False if imtype == 'ARCLAMP': if (len(contbars_frames)) > 0: return True else: self.logger.warn("Cannot reduce ARCLAMP frame. Missing continuum bars. Rescheduling for later.") return False if imtype in ['FLATLAMP', 'TWIFLAT', 'DOMEFLAT']: if len(bias_frames) > 0: return True else: self.logger.warn(f"Cannot reduce {imtype} frame. Missing master bias. Rescheduling for later.") return False return True
[docs]def kcwi_fits_reader(file): """A reader for KeckData objects. Currently this is a separate function, but should probably be registered as a reader similar to fits_ccddata_reader. Arguments: file -- The filename (or pathlib.Path) of the FITS file to open. """ try: hdul = except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: print(e) raise e read_imgs = 0 read_tabs = 0 # primary image ccddata = CCDData(hdul['PRIMARY'].data, meta=hdul['PRIMARY'].header, unit='adu') read_imgs += 1 # check for other legal components if 'UNCERT' in hdul: ccddata.uncertainty = hdul['UNCERT'].data read_imgs += 1 if 'FLAGS' in hdul: ccddata.flags = hdul['FLAGS'].data read_imgs += 1 if 'MASK' in hdul: ccddata.mask = hdul['MASK'].data read_imgs += 1 if 'Exposure Events' in hdul: table = hdul['Exposure Events'] read_tabs += 1 else: table = None # prepare for floating point = # Check for CCDCFG keyword if 'CCDCFG' not in ccddata.header: ccdcfg = ccddata.header['CCDSUM'].replace(" ", "") ccdcfg += "%1d" % ccddata.header['CCDMODE'] ccdcfg += "%02d" % ccddata.header['GAINMUL'] ccdcfg += "%02d" % ccddata.header['AMPMNUM'] ccddata.header['CCDCFG'] = ccdcfg if ccddata: if 'BUNIT' in ccddata.header: ccddata.unit = ccddata.header['BUNIT'] if ccddata.uncertainty: ccddata.uncertainty.unit = ccddata.header['BUNIT'] # print("setting image units to " + ccddata.header['BUNIT'])"<<< read %d imgs and %d tables out of %d hdus in %s" % (read_imgs, read_tabs, len(hdul), file)) return ccddata, table
def write_table(output_dir=None, table=None, names=None, comment=None, keywords=None, output_name=None, clobber=False): output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_name) # check if file already exists if os.path.exists(output_file) and clobber is False: logger.warning("Table %s already exists and overwrite is set to False" % output_file) return if os.path.exists(output_file) and clobber is True: logger.warning("Table %s already exists and will be overwritten" % output_file)"Removing file: %s" % output_file) os.remove(output_file) t = Table(table, names=names) if comment: t.meta['COMMENT'] = comment if keywords: for k, v in keywords.items(): t.meta[k] = v try: t.write(output_file, format='fits')"Output table: %s" % output_file) except (FileExistsError, OSError): logger.error("Something went wrong creating the table: " "table already exists") def read_table(input_dir=None, file_name=None): # Set up return table input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, file_name)"Trying to read table: %s" % input_file) try: retab =, format='fits') except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("No table to read") retab = None return retab def kcwi_fits_writer(ccddata, table=None, output_file=None, output_dir=None, suffix=None): # Determine if the version info is already in the header contains_version = False for h in ccddata.header["HISTORY"]: if "kcwidrp version" in h: contains_version = True if not contains_version: # Add version number to header version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('kcwidrp').version ccddata.header.add_history(f"kcwidrp version={version}") # Get string filepath to .git dir, relative to this primitive primitive_loc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) git_loc = primitive_loc[:-18] + ".git" # Attempt to gather git version information git1 =["git", "--git-dir", git_loc, "describe", "--tags", "--long"], capture_output=True) git2 =["git", "--git-dir", git_loc, "log", "-1", "--format=%cd"], capture_output=True) # If all went well, save to the header if not bool(git1.stderr) and not bool(git2.stderr): git_v = git1.stdout.decode('utf-8')[:-1] git_d = git2.stdout.decode('utf-8')[:-1] ccddata.header.add_history(f"git version={git_v}") ccddata.header.add_history(f"git date={git_d}") else: logger.debug("Package not installed from a git repo, skipping") out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(output_file)) if suffix is not None: (main_name, extension) = os.path.splitext(out_file) out_file = main_name + "_" + suffix + extension hdus_to_save = ccddata.to_hdu() # check for flags flags = getattr(ccddata, "flags", None) if flags is not None: hdus_to_save.append(fits.ImageHDU(flags, name='FLAGS', do_not_scale_image_data=True)) # something about the way the original table is written out is wrong # and causes problems. Leaving it off for now. # if table is not None: # hdus_to_save.append(table) # log">>> Saving %d hdus to %s" % (len(hdus_to_save), out_file)) hdus_to_save.writeto(out_file, overwrite=True) def strip_fname(filename): if not filename: logger.error(f"Failed to strip file {filename}") return strip = Path(filename).stem return strip def get_master_name(tab, target_type, loc=0): res = Path(strip_fname(tab['filename'][loc]) + '_' + \ target_type.lower() + ".fits").name return res def master_bias_name(ccddata, target_type='MBIAS'): # Delivers a mbias filename that is unique for each CCD configuration # Any KCWI frame with a shared CCD configuration can use the same bias name = target_type.lower() + '_' + ccddata.header['CCDCFG'] + '.fits' return name def master_flat_name(ccddata, target_type): # Delivers a name that is unqie across an observing block name = target_type.lower() + '_' + ccddata.header['STATEID'] + '.fits' return name