Quick Start

For users who don’t want to know too much about KCWI_DRP, here is a quickstart guide.

The assumption is that you have a directory containing KCWI data, and that the names of the files are those assigned at the telescope, kb*.fits.

Give a quick look at the configuration parameters for the pipeline, contained in the kcwidrp/config/kcwi.cfg.

For a quick start, it is enough to decide if you want to see plots as the pipeline runs or not. This is controlled by two parameters: enable_bokeh and plot_level. For no plotting, disable Bokeh and set the plot level to 0.

Next, go to the data directory and run the startup script:

cd mydata
reduce_kcwi -f kb*.fits

The Keck DRP Framework will load and initialize the pipeline, ingest all the files, and then start processing in the order in which they appear on disk.

Two directories will be created: a redux directory with the results of the reduction, and a logs directory with separate logs for the framework itself and for the DRP.