Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.SolveArcs

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import get_plot_lims, oplot_slices, \
    set_plot_lims, save_plot
from kcwidrp.primitives.GetAtlasLines import get_line_window, gaus

import numpy as np
from import boxcar
import scipy as sp
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate
from scipy.stats import sigmaclip
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Range1d, LinearAxis
import time

[docs]class SolveArcs(BasePrimitive): """Solve the bar arc wavelengths""" def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger self.action.args.fincoeff = [] self.action.args.xsvals = None self.action.args.av_bar_sig = [] self.action.args.st_bar_sig = [] self.action.args.av_bar_nls = [] self.action.args.st_bar_nls = [] def _perform(self): """Solve individual arc bar spectra for wavelength""""Solving individual arc spectra") # plot control booleans master_inter = (self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2) do_inter = (self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 3) # output control verbose = (self.config.instrument.verbose > 1) # Bar statistics bar_sig = [] bar_nls = [] # set thresh for finding lines hgt = 50."line thresh = %.2f" % hgt) # get relevant part of atlas spectrum atwave = self.action.args.refwave[self.action.args.atminrow: self.action.args.atmaxrow] atspec = self.action.args.reflux[self.action.args.atminrow: self.action.args.atmaxrow] # convert list into ndarray at_wave = np.asarray(self.action.args.at_wave) at_flux = np.asarray(self.action.args.at_flux) # get x values starting at zero pixels self.action.args.xsvals = np.arange(0, len( self.context.arcs[self.config.instrument.REFBAR])) # loop over arcs and generate a wavelength solution for each next_bar_to_plot = 0 poly_order = 4 for ib, b in enumerate(self.context.arcs): # Starting with pascal shifted coeffs from fit_center() coeff = self.action.args.twkcoeff[ib] # get bar wavelengths bw = np.polyval(coeff, self.action.args.xsvals) # smooth spectrum according to slicer if 'Small' in self.action.args.ifuname: # no smoothing for Small slicer bspec = b else: if 'Large' in self.action.args.ifuname: # max smoothing for Large slicer win = boxcar(5) else: # intermediate smoothing for Medium slicer win = boxcar(3) # do the smoothing bspec = sp.signal.convolve(b, win, mode='same') / sum(win) # store values to fit at_wave_dat = [] # atlas line wavelengths at_flux_dat = [] # atlas line peak fluxes arc_pix_dat = [] # arc line pixel positions arc_int_dat = [] # arc line pixel intensities rej_wave = [] # rejected line wavelengths rej_flux = [] # rejected line fluxes gaus_sig = [] nrej = 0 # loop over lines for iw, aw in enumerate(self.action.args.at_wave): # get window for this line try: # get arc line initial pixel position line_x = [i for i, v in enumerate(bw) if v >= aw][0] # get window for arc line minow, maxow, count = get_line_window( bspec, line_x, thresh=hgt, logger=(self.logger if verbose else None)) # do we have enough points to fit? if count < 5 or not minow or not maxow: rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc window rejected for line %.3f" % aw) continue # check if window no longer contains initial value if minow > line_x > maxow: rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose: "Arc window wandered off for line %.3f" % aw) continue # get data to fit yvec = bspec[minow:maxow + 1] xvec = self.action.args.xsvals[minow:maxow + 1] wvec = bw[minow:maxow + 1] f0 = max(yvec) par_start = [f0, np.nanmean(xvec), 1.0] par_bounds = ([f0*0.9, np.min(xvec), 0.5], [f0*1.1, np.max(xvec), 2.5]) # Gaussian fit try: fit, _ = curve_fit(gaus, xvec, yvec, p0=par_start) # bounds=par_bounds, method='trf') sp_pk_x = fit[1] gaus_sig.append(fit[2]) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose: "Arc Gaussian fit rejected for line %.3f" % aw) # sp_pk_x = line_x continue # get interpolation of arc line int_line = interpolate.interp1d(xvec, yvec, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') # use very dense sampling xplot = np.linspace(min(xvec), max(xvec), num=1000) # re-sample line with dense sampling plt_line = int_line(xplot) # get peak position max_index = plt_line.argmax() peak = xplot[max_index] # calculate centroid cent = np.sum(xvec * yvec) / np.sum(yvec) # how different is the centroid from the peak? if abs(cent - peak) > 0.7: # keep track of rejected line rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc peak - cent offset = %.2f " "rejected for line %.3f" % (abs(cent - peak), aw)) continue if plt_line[max_index] < 100: # keep track of rejected line rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 if verbose:"Arc peak too low = %.2f " "rejected for line %.3f" % (plt_line[max_index], aw)) continue # store surviving line data arc_pix_dat.append(peak) arc_int_dat.append(plt_line[max_index]) at_wave_dat.append(aw) at_flux_dat.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) # plot, if requested if do_inter and ib == next_bar_to_plot: ptitle = " Bar# %d - line %3d/%3d: xc = %.1f, " \ "Wave = %9.2f" % \ (ib, (iw + 1), len(self.action.args.at_wave), peak, aw) atx0 = [i for i, v in enumerate(atwave) if v >= min(wvec)][0] atx1 = [i for i, v in enumerate(atwave) if v >= max(wvec)][0] atnorm = np.nanmax(yvec) / np.nanmax(atspec[atx0:atx1]) p = figure( title=self.action.args.plotlabel + "ATLAS/ARC LINE FITS" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Relative Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) ylim = [0, np.nanmax(yvec)] p.line(atwave[atx0:atx1], atspec[atx0:atx1] * atnorm, color='blue', legend_label='Atlas')[atx0:atx1], atspec[atx0:atx1] * atnorm, color='green', legend_label='Atlas') p.line([aw, aw], ylim, color='red', legend_label='AtCntr') p.x_range = Range1d(start=min(wvec), end=max(wvec)) p.extra_x_ranges = {"pix": Range1d(start=min(xvec), end=max(xvec))} p.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="pix", axis_label="CCD Y pix"), 'above') p.line(xplot, plt_line, color='black', legend_label='Arc', x_range_name="pix"), yvec, legend_label='Arc', color='red', x_range_name="pix") ylim = [0, np.nanmax(plt_line)] p.line([cent, cent], ylim, color='green', legend_label='Cntr', line_dash='dashed', x_range_name="pix") p.line([sp_pk_x, sp_pk_x], ylim, color='magenta', legend_label='Gpeak', line_dash='dashdot', x_range_name="pix") p.line([peak, peak], ylim, color='black', legend_label='Peak', line_dash='dashdot', x_range_name="pix") p.y_range.start = 0 bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) q = input(ptitle + " - Next? <cr>, q to quit: ") if 'Q' in q.upper(): do_inter = False except IndexError: if verbose: "Atlas line not in observation: %.2f" % aw) rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1 continue except ValueError: if verbose: "Interpolation error for line at %.2f" % aw) rej_wave.append(aw) rej_flux.append(self.action.args.at_flux[iw]) nrej += 1"")"Fitting wavelength solution starting with %d " "lines after rejecting %d lines" % (len(arc_pix_dat), nrej)) # Fit wavelengths # Get poly order if self.action.args.dichroic_fraction <= 0.6: poly_order = 2 elif 0.6 < self.action.args.dichroic_fraction < 0.75: poly_order = 3 else: poly_order = 4"Fitting with polynomial order %d" % poly_order) # Initial fit wfit = np.polyfit(arc_pix_dat, at_wave_dat, poly_order) pwfit = np.poly1d(wfit) arc_wave_fit = pwfit(arc_pix_dat) # fit residuals resid = arc_wave_fit - at_wave_dat resid_c, low, upp = sigmaclip(resid, low=3., high=3.) wsig = resid_c.std() # maximum outlier max_resid = np.max(abs(resid))"wsig: %.3f, max_resid: %.3f" % (wsig, max_resid)) # keep track of rejected lines rej_rsd = [] # rejected line residuals rej_rsd_wave = [] # rejected line wavelengths rej_rsd_flux = [] # rejected line fluxes # iteratively remove outliers it = 0 while max_resid > 2.5 * wsig and it < 25: arc_dat = [] # arc line pixel values arc_fdat = [] # arc line flux data at_dat = [] # atlas line wavelength values at_fdat = [] # atlas line flux data # trim largest outlier for il, rsd in enumerate(resid): if abs(rsd) < max_resid: # append data for line that passed cut arc_dat.append(arc_pix_dat[il]) arc_fdat.append(arc_int_dat[il]) at_dat.append(at_wave_dat[il]) at_fdat.append(at_flux_dat[il]) else: if verbose:"It%d REJ: %d, %.2f, %.3f, %.3f" % (it, il, arc_pix_dat[il], at_wave_dat[il], rsd)) # keep track of rejected lines rej_rsd_wave.append(at_wave_dat[il]) rej_rsd_flux.append(at_flux_dat[il]) rej_rsd.append(rsd) # copy cleaned data back into input arrays arc_pix_dat = arc_dat.copy() arc_int_dat = arc_fdat.copy() at_wave_dat = at_dat.copy() at_flux_dat = at_fdat.copy() # refit cleaned data wfit = np.polyfit(arc_pix_dat, at_wave_dat, poly_order) # new wavelength function pwfit = np.poly1d(wfit) # new wavelengths for arc lines arc_wave_fit = pwfit(arc_pix_dat) # calculate residuals of arc lines resid = arc_wave_fit - at_wave_dat # get statistics resid_c, low, upp = sigmaclip(resid, low=3., high=3.) wsig = resid_c.std() # maximum outlier max_resid = np.max(abs(resid)) # wsig = np.nanstd(resid) it += 1 # END while max_resid > 3.5 * wsig and it < 5: # log arc bar results"")"BAR %03d, Slice = %02d, RMS = %.3f, N = %d" % (ib, int(ib / 5), wsig, len(arc_pix_dat))) "Nits: %d, wsig: %.3f, max_resid: %.3f" % (it, wsig, max_resid))"NRejRsd: %d, NRejFit: %d" % (len(rej_rsd_wave), len(rej_wave)))"Line width median sigma: %.2f px" % np.nanmedian(gaus_sig))"Coefs: " + ' '.join(['%.6g' % (c,) for c in reversed(wfit)])) # store final fit coefficients self.action.args.fincoeff.append(wfit) # store statistics bar_sig.append(wsig) bar_nls.append(len(arc_pix_dat)) # do plotting? if master_inter and ib == next_bar_to_plot: # plot bar fit residuals ptitle = " for Bar %03d, Slice %02d, RMS = %.3f, N = %d" % \ (ib, int(ib / 5), wsig, len(arc_pix_dat)) p = figure(title=self.action.args.plotlabel + "RESIDUALS" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Fit - Inp (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(at_wave_dat, resid, legend_label='Rsd', size=8) if rej_rsd_wave: p.diamond(rej_rsd_wave, rej_rsd, color='orange', legend_label='Rej', size=8) xlim = [self.action.args.atminwave, self.action.args.atmaxwave] ylim = [np.nanmin(list(resid)+list(rej_rsd)), np.nanmax(list(resid)+list(rej_rsd))] p.line(xlim, [0., 0.], color='black', line_dash='dotted') p.line(xlim, [wsig, wsig], color='gray', line_dash='dashdot') p.line(xlim, [-wsig, -wsig], color='gray', line_dash='dashdot') p.line([self.action.args.cwave, self.action.args.cwave], ylim, legend_label='CWAV', color='magenta', line_dash='dashdot') bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) input("Next? <cr>: ") # overplot atlas and bar using fit wavelengths p = figure(title=self.action.args.plotlabel + "ATLAS/ARC FIT" + ptitle, x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) bwav = pwfit(self.action.args.xsvals) p.line(bwav, b, color='darkgrey', legend_label='Arc') p.diamond(arc_wave_fit, arc_int_dat, color='darkgrey', size=8) ylim = [np.nanmin(b), np.nanmax(b)] atnorm = np.nanmax(b) / np.nanmax(atspec) p.line(atwave, atspec * atnorm, color='blue', legend_label='Atlas') p.line([self.action.args.cwave, self.action.args.cwave], ylim, color='magenta', line_dash='dashdot', legend_label='CWAV') p.diamond(at_wave, at_flux * atnorm, legend_label='Kept', color='green', size=8) if rej_rsd_wave: p.diamond(rej_rsd_wave, [rj*atnorm for rj in rej_rsd_flux], color='orange', legend_label='RejRsd', size=6) p.diamond(rej_wave, [rj*atnorm for rj in rej_flux], color='red', legend_label='RejFit', size=6) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) q = input("Next? <int> or <cr>, q - quit: ") if 'Q' in q.upper(): master_inter = False else: try: next_bar_to_plot = int(q) except ValueError: next_bar_to_plot = ib + 1 # Plot final results # plot output name stub pfname = "arc_%05d_%s_%s_%s_tf%02d" % ( self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname, int(100*self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC)) # Plot coefs if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: ylabs = ['Ang/px^4', 'Ang/px^3', 'Ang/px^2', 'Ang/px', 'Ang'] ylabs = ylabs[-(poly_order+1):] for ic in reversed( range(len(self.action.args.fincoeff[0]))): cn = poly_order - ic ptitle = self.action.args.plotlabel + "COEF %d VALUES" % cn p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="Coef %d (%s)" % (cn, ylabs[ic]), plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) coef = [] for c in self.action.args.fincoeff: coef.append(c[ic]) p.diamond(list(range(120)), coef, size=8) xlim = [-1, 120] ylim = get_plot_lims(coef) p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save coefficients plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_coef%d.png' % cn) # Plot number of lines fit self.action.args.av_bar_nls = float(np.nanmean(bar_nls)) self.action.args.st_bar_nls = float(np.nanstd(bar_nls)) ptitle = self.action.args.plotlabel + \ "FIT STATS <Nlns> = %.1f +- %.1f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.st_bar_nls) p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="N Lines", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(list(range(120)), bar_nls, size=8) xlim = [-1, 120] ylim = get_plot_lims(bar_nls)"<N Lines> = %.1f +- %.1f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.st_bar_nls)) p.line(xlim, [self.action.args.av_bar_nls, self.action.args.av_bar_nls], color='red') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_nls - self.action.args.st_bar_nls), (self.action.args.av_bar_nls - self.action.args.st_bar_nls)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_nls + self.action.args.st_bar_nls), (self.action.args.av_bar_nls + self.action.args.st_bar_nls)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save N lines plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_nlines.png') # Plot fit sigmas self.action.args.av_bar_sig = float(np.nanmean(bar_sig)) self.action.args.st_bar_sig = float(np.nanstd(bar_sig))"<STD> = %.3f +- %.3f (A)" % (self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.st_bar_sig)) ptitle = self.action.args.plotlabel + \ "FIT STATS <RMS> = %.3f +- %.3f" % (self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.st_bar_sig) p = figure(title=ptitle, x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="RMS (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.diamond(list(range(120)), bar_sig, size=8) xlim = [-1, 120] ylim = get_plot_lims(bar_sig) p.line(xlim, [self.action.args.av_bar_sig, self.action.args.av_bar_sig], color='red') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_sig - self.action.args.st_bar_sig), (self.action.args.av_bar_sig - self.action.args.st_bar_sig)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.line(xlim, [(self.action.args.av_bar_sig + self.action.args.st_bar_sig), (self.action.args.av_bar_sig + self.action.args.st_bar_sig)], color='green', line_dash='dashed') p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save residual plot save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_resid.png') log_string = SolveArcs.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string return self.action.args
# END: def _perform(self):