Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.MakeMasterBias

from keckdrpframework.models.arguments import Arguments
from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_img import BaseImg
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_reader, \
    kcwi_fits_writer, master_bias_name, parse_imsec
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import save_plot

from bokeh.plotting import figure
import ccdproc
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import sigmaclip
import time
import os

[docs]class MakeMasterBias(BaseImg): """Generate a master bias image from individual bias frames""" def __init__(self, action, context): BaseImg.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _pre_condition(self): """ Checks if we can build a stacked frame based on the processing table :return: """ # Add to proctab self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=self.action.args.ccddata, suffix='RAW', self.context.proctab.write_proctab() # Get bias count"Checking precondition for MakeMasterBias") self.combine_list = self.context.proctab.search_proctab( frame=self.action.args.ccddata, target_type='BIAS', target_group=self.action.args.groupid)"pre condition got {len(self.combine_list)}," f" expecting {self.action.args.min_files}") # Did we meet our pre-condition? if len(self.combine_list) >= self.action.args.min_files: return True else: return False def _perform(self): """ Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depends on this operation """ method = 'average' suffix = self.action.args.new_type.lower() combine_list = list(self.combine_list['filename']) # get master bias output name # mbname = combine_list[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits' mbname = master_bias_name(self.action.args.ccddata) stack = [] stackf = [] for bias in combine_list: stackf.append(bias) # using [0] drops the table stack.append(kcwi_fits_reader(bias)[0]) stacked = ccdproc.combine(stack, method=method, sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=None, sigma_clip_high_thresh=2.0) stacked.header['IMTYPE'] = self.action.args.new_type stacked.header['NSTACK'] = (len(combine_list), 'number of images stacked') stacked.header['STCKMETH'] = (method, 'method used for stacking') for ii, fname in enumerate(stackf): fname_base = os.path.basename(fname) stacked.header['STACKF%d' % (ii + 1)] = (fname_base, "stack input file") # for readnoise stats use 2nd and 3rd bias diff = stack[1].data.astype(np.float32) - \ stack[2].data.astype(np.float32) namps = stack[1].header['NVIDINP'] for ia in range(namps): # get gain gain = stacked.header['GAIN%d' % (ia + 1)] # get amp section sec, rfor = parse_imsec(stacked.header['DSEC%d' % (ia + 1)]) noise = diff[sec[0]:(sec[1]+1), sec[2]:(sec[3]+1)] noise = np.reshape(noise, noise.shape[0]*noise.shape[1]) * \ gain / 1.414 # get stats on noise c, low, upp = sigmaclip(noise, low=3.5, high=3.5) bias_rn = c.std()"Amp%d read noise from bias in e-: %.3f" % ((ia + 1), bias_rn)) stacked.header['BIASRN%d' % (ia + 1)] = \ (float("%.3f" % bias_rn), "RN in e- from bias") if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: # output filename stub biasfnam = "bias_%05d_amp%d_rdnoise" % \ (self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], ia+1) plabel = '[ Img # %d' % self.action.args.ccddata.header[ 'FRAMENO'] plabel += ' (Bias)' plabel += ' %s' % self.action.args.ccddata.header['BINNING'] plabel += ' %s' % self.action.args.ccddata.header['AMPMODE'] plabel += ' %d' % self.action.args.ccddata.header['GAINMUL'] plabel += ' %s' % ('fast' if self.action.args.ccddata.header['CCDMODE'] else 'slow') plabel += ' ] ' hist, edges = np.histogram(noise, range=(low, upp), density=False, bins=50) x = np.linspace(low, upp, 500) pdf = np.max(hist)*np.exp(-x**2/(2.*bias_rn**2)) p = figure(title=plabel+'BIAS NOISE amp %d = %.3f' % (ia+1, bias_rn), x_axis_label='e-', y_axis_label='N', plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="navy", line_color="white", alpha=0.5) p.line(x, pdf, line_color="#ff8888", line_width=4, alpha=0.7, legend_label="PDF") p.line([-bias_rn, -bias_rn], [0, np.max(hist)], color='red', legend_label="Sigma") p.line([bias_rn, bias_rn], [0, np.max(hist)], color='red') p.y_range.start = 0 bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) save_plot(p, filename=biasfnam+".png") log_string = MakeMasterBias.__module__ stacked.header['HISTORY'] = log_string kcwi_fits_writer(stacked, output_file=mbname, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory) self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=stacked, suffix=suffix, newtype=self.action.args.new_type, self.context.proctab.write_proctab() return Arguments(name=mbname)
# END: class ProcessBias()