Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.GetAtlasLines

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import save_plot

from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Range1d
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate
from import boxcar
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import sigmaclip
import time
import os

[docs]def gaus(x, a, mu, sigma): """Gaussian fitting function""" return a * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / (2. * sigma ** 2))
[docs]def get_line_window(y, c, thresh=0., logger=None, strict=False): """Find a window that includes the fwhm of the line""" verbose = logger is not None nx = len(y) # check edges if c < 2 or c > nx - 2: if verbose:"input center too close to edge") return None, None, 0 # get initial values x0 = c - 2 x1 = c + 2 mx = np.nanmax(y[x0:x1+1]) count = 5 # check low side if x0 - 1 < 0: if verbose:"max check: low edge hit") return None, None, 0 while y[x0-1] > mx: x0 -= 1 count += 1 if x0 - 1 < 0: if verbose:"Max check: low edge hit") return None, None, 0 # check high side if x1 + 1 >= nx: if verbose:"max check: high edge hit") return None, None, 0 while y[x1+1] > mx: x1 += 1 count += 1 if x1 + 1 >= nx: if verbose:"Max check: high edge hit") return None, None, 0 # adjust starting window to center on max cmx = x0 + y[x0:x1+1].argmax() x0 = cmx - 2 x1 = cmx + 2 mx = np.nanmax(y[x0:x1 + 1]) # make sure max is high enough if mx < thresh: return None, None, 0 # # expand until we get to half max hmx = mx * 0.5 # # Low index side prev = mx while y[x0] > hmx: if y[x0] > mx or x0 <= 0 or y[x0] > prev: if verbose: if y[x0] > mx:"hafmax check: low index err - missed max") if x0 <= 0:"hafmax check: low index err - at edge") if y[x0] > prev:"hafmax check: low index err - wiggly") return None, None, 0 prev = y[x0] x0 -= 1 count += 1 # High index side prev = mx while y[x1] > hmx: if y[x1] > mx or x1 >= nx or y[x1] > prev: if verbose: if y[x1] > mx:"hafmax check: high index err - missed max") if x1 >= nx:"hafmax check: high index err - at edge") if y[x1] > prev:"hafmax check: high index err - wiggly") return None, None, 0 prev = y[x1] if x1 < (nx-1): x1 += 1 count += 1 else: if verbose:"Edge encountered") return None, None, 0 if strict: # where did we end up? if c < x0 or x1 < c: if verbose:"initial position outside final window") return None, None, 0 return x0, x1, count
# END: get_line_window()
[docs]def findpeaks(x, y, wid, sth, ath, pkg=None, verbose=False): """Find peaks in spectrum""" # derivative grad = np.gradient(y) # smooth derivative win = boxcar(wid) d = sp.signal.convolve(grad, win, mode='same') / sum(win) # size nx = len(x) # set up windowing if not pkg: pkg = wid hgrp = int(pkg/2) hgt = [] pks = [] sgs = [] # loop over spectrum # limits to avoid edges given pkg for i in np.arange(pkg, (nx - pkg)): # find zero crossings if np.sign(d[i]) > np.sign(d[i+1]): # pass slope threshhold? if (d[i] - d[i+1]) > sth * y[i]: # pass amplitude threshhold? if y[i] > ath or y[i+1] > ath: # get subvectors around peak in window xx = x[(i-hgrp):(i+hgrp+1)] yy = y[(i-hgrp):(i+hgrp+1)] if len(yy) > 3: try: # gaussian fit res, _ = curve_fit(gaus, xx, yy, p0=[y[i], x[i], 1.]) # check offset of fit from initial peak r = abs(x - res[1]) t = r.argmin() if abs(i - t) > pkg: if verbose: print(i, t, x[i], res[1], x[t]) else: hgt.append(res[0]) pks.append(res[1]) sgs.append(abs(res[2])) except RuntimeError: continue # clean by sigmas cvals = [] cpks = [] sgmn = None if len(pks) > 0: cln_sgs, low, upp = sigmaclip(sgs, low=3., high=3.) for i in range(len(pks)): if low < sgs[i] < upp: cpks.append(pks[i]) cvals.append(hgt[i]) sgmn = cln_sgs.mean() # sgmd = float(np.nanmedian(cln_sgs)) else: print("No peaks found!") return cpks, sgmn, cvals
# END: findpeaks()
[docs]class GetAtlasLines(BasePrimitive): """Get relevant atlas line positions and wavelengths""" def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger self.action.args.atminrow = None self.action.args.atmaxrow = None self.action.args.atminwave = None self.action.args.atmaxwave = None self.action.args.at_wave = None self.action.args.at_flux = None def _perform(self): """Get atlas line positions for wavelength fitting""""Finding isolated atlas lines") # get atlas wavelength range # get pixel values (no longer centered in the middle) specsz = len(self.context.arcs[self.config.instrument.REFBAR]) xvals = np.arange(0, specsz) # min, max rows, trimming the ends minrow = 50 maxrow = specsz - 50 # wavelength range mnwvs = [] mxwvs = [] refbar_disp = 1. # Get wavelengths for each bar for b in range(self.config.instrument.NBARS): waves = np.polyval(self.action.args.twkcoeff[b], xvals) mnwvs.append(np.min(waves)) mxwvs.append(np.max(waves)) if b == self.config.instrument.REFBAR: refbar_disp = self.action.args.twkcoeff[b][-2]"Ref bar (%d) dispersion = %.3f Ang/px" % (self.config.instrument.REFBAR, refbar_disp)) # Get extrema (trim ends a bit) minwav = min(mnwvs) + 10. maxwav = max(mxwvs) - 10. wave_range = maxwav - minwav # Do we have a dichroic? if self.action.args.dich: if == 0: # Blue maxwav = min([maxwav, 5620.]) elif == 1: # Red minwav = max([minwav, 5580.]) else: self.logger.error("Camera keyword not defined!") dichroic_fraction = (maxwav - minwav) / wave_range # Get corresponding atlas range minrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(self.action.args.refwave) if v >= minwav][0] maxrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(self.action.args.refwave) if v <= maxwav][-1]"Min, Max wave (A): %.2f, %.2f" % (minwav, maxwav)) if self.action.args.dich:"Dichroic fraction: %.3f" % dichroic_fraction) # store atlas ranges self.action.args.atminrow = minrw self.action.args.atmaxrow = maxrw self.action.args.atminwave = minwav self.action.args.atmaxwave = maxwav self.action.args.dichroic_fraction = dichroic_fraction # get atlas sub spectrum atspec = self.action.args.reflux[minrw:maxrw] atwave = self.action.args.refwave[minrw:maxrw] # get reference bar arc spectrum, pixel values, and prelim wavelengths subxvals = xvals[minrow:maxrow] subyvals = self.context.arcs[self.config.instrument.REFBAR][ minrow:maxrow].copy() subwvals = np.polyval( self.action.args.twkcoeff[self.config.instrument.REFBAR], subxvals) # smooth subyvals win = boxcar(3) subyvals = sp.signal.convolve(subyvals, win, mode='same') / sum(win) # find good peaks in arc spectrum smooth_width = 4 # in pixels # peak width peak_width = int(self.action.args.atsig/abs(refbar_disp)) if peak_width < 4: peak_width = 4 # slope threshold slope_thresh = 0.7 * smooth_width / 2. / 100. # slope_thresh = 0.7 * smooth_width / 1000. # more severe for arc # slope_thresh = 0.016 / peak_width # get amplitude threshold ampl_thresh = 0."Using a peak_width of %d px, a slope_thresh of %.5f " "a smooth_width of %d and an ampl_thresh of %.3f" % (peak_width, slope_thresh, smooth_width, ampl_thresh)) arc_cent, avwsg, arc_hgt = findpeaks(subwvals, subyvals, smooth_width, slope_thresh, ampl_thresh, peak_width) avwfwhm = avwsg * 2.354"Found %d lines with <sig> = %.3f (A)," " <FWHM> = %.3f (A)" % (len(arc_cent), avwsg, avwfwhm)) # fitting window based on grating type if 'H' in self.action.args.grating or 'M' in self.action.args.grating: fwid = avwfwhm else: fwid = avwsg # clean near neighbors spec_cent = arc_cent spec_hgt = arc_hgt # # generate an atlas line list refws = [] # atlas line wavelength refas = [] # atlas line amplitude rej_fit_w = [] # fit rejected atlas line wavelength rej_fit_y = [] # fit rejected atlas line amplitude rej_par_w = [] # par rejected atlas line wavelength rej_par_a = [] # par rejected atlas line amplitude nrej = 0 # look at each arc spectrum line for i, pk in enumerate(spec_cent): if pk <= minwav or pk >= maxwav: continue # get atlas pixel position corresponding to arc line try: line_x = [ii for ii, v in enumerate(atwave) if v >= pk][0] # get window around atlas line to fit minow, maxow, count = get_line_window(atspec, line_x) except IndexError: count = 0 minow = None maxow = None self.logger.warning("line at edge: %d, %.2f, %.f2f" % (i, pk, max(atwave))) # is resulting window large enough for fitting? if count < 5 or not minow or not maxow: # keep track of fit rejected lines rej_fit_w.append(pk) rej_fit_y.append(spec_hgt[i]) nrej += 1"Atlas window rejected for line %.3f" % pk) continue # get data to fit yvec = atspec[minow:maxow + 1] xvec = atwave[minow:maxow + 1] # attempt Gaussian fit try: fit, _ = curve_fit(gaus, xvec, yvec, p0=[spec_hgt[i], pk, 1.]) except RuntimeError: # keep track of Gaussian fit rejected lines rej_fit_w.append(pk) rej_fit_y.append(spec_hgt[i]) nrej += 1"Atlas Gaussian fit rejected for line %.3f" % pk) continue # get interpolation function of atlas line int_line = interpolate.interp1d(xvec, yvec, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') # use very dense pixel sampling x_dense = np.linspace(min(xvec), max(xvec), num=1000) # resample line with dense sampling y_dense = int_line(x_dense) # get peak amplitude and wavelength pki = y_dense.argmax() pkw = x_dense[pki] # calculate some diagnostic parameters for the line # how many atlas pixels have we moved? xoff = abs(pkw - fit[1]) / self.action.args.refdisp # what is the wavelength offset in Angstroms? woff = abs(pkw - pk) # what fraction of the canonical fit width is the line? wrat = abs(fit[2]) / fwid # can be neg or pos # current criteria for these diagnostic parameters if woff > 5. or xoff > 1.5 or wrat > 1.1: # keep track of par rejected atlas lines rej_par_w.append(pkw) rej_par_a.append(y_dense[pki]) nrej += 1"Atlas line parameters rejected for line %.3f" % pk)"woff = %.3f, xoff = %.2f, wrat = %.3f" % (woff, xoff, wrat)) continue refws.append(pkw) refas.append(y_dense[pki]) # eliminate faintest lines if we have a large number"number of remaining lines: %d" % len(refas)) if len(refas) > 400: # sort on flux sf = np.argsort(refas) refws = np.asarray(refws)[sf] refas = np.asarray(refas)[sf] # remove faintest two-thirds hlim = int(len(refas) * 0.67) refws = refws[hlim:] refas = refas[hlim:] # sort back onto wavelength sw = np.argsort(refws) refws = refws[sw].tolist() refas = refas[sw].tolist() # check if line list was given on command line if self.config.instrument.LINELIST: with open(self.config.instrument.LINELIST) as llfn: atlines = llfn.readlines() refws = [] refas = [] for line in atlines: if '#' in line: continue refws.append(float(line.split()[0])) refas.append(float(line.split()[1]))"Read %d lines from %s" % (len(refws), self.config.instrument.LINELIST)) else:"Using %d generated lines" % len(refws)) # store wavelengths, fluxes self.action.args.at_wave = refws self.action.args.at_flux = refas # output filename stub atfnam = "arc_%05d_%s_%s_%s_atlines" % \ (self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname) # output directory output_dir = os.path.join(self.config.instrument.cwd, self.config.instrument.output_directory) # write out final atlas line list atlines = np.array([refws, refas]) atlines = atlines.T with open(os.path.join(output_dir, atfnam+'.txt'), 'w') as atlfn: np.savetxt(atlfn, atlines, fmt=['%12.3f', '%12.3f']) # plot final list of Atlas lines and show rejections norm_fac = np.nanmax(atspec) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: p = figure(title=self.action.args.plotlabel + "ATLAS LINES Ngood = %d, Nrej = %d" % (len(refws), nrej), x_axis_label="Wavelength (A)", y_axis_label="Normalized Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.line(subwvals, subyvals / np.nanmax(subyvals), legend_label='RefArc', color='lightgray') p.line(atwave, atspec / norm_fac, legend_label='Atlas', color='blue') # Rejected: nearby neighbor # p.diamond(rej_neigh_w, rej_neigh_y / norm_fac, # legend_label='NeighRej', color='cyan', size=8) # Rejected: fit failure p.diamond(rej_fit_w, rej_fit_y / norm_fac, legend_label='FitRej', color='red', size=8) # Rejected: line parameter outside range p.diamond(rej_par_w, rej_par_a / norm_fac, legend_label='ParRej', color='orange', size=8) p.diamond(refws, refas / norm_fac, legend_label='Kept', color='green', size=10) p.line([minwav, minwav], [-0.1, 1.1], legend_label='WavLim', color='brown') p.line([maxwav, maxwav], [-0.1, 1.1], color='brown') p.x_range = Range1d(min([min(subwvals), minwav-10.]), max(subwvals)) p.y_range = Range1d(-0.04, 1.04) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) save_plot(p, filename=atfnam+".png")"Final atlas list has %d lines" % len(refws)) log_string = GetAtlasLines.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string return self.action.args
# END: class GetAtlasLines()