Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.SubtractScatteredLight

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_writer
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import save_plot

from bokeh.plotting import figure
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
import time

[docs]class SubtractScatteredLight(BasePrimitive): """ Subtract scattered light between slices. Uses the centeral, un-illuminated part of the image to generate a model of the scattered light. Subtract this model from the entire image. Uses the following configuration parameter: * skipscat: set to ``True`` to skip scattered light subtraction. Defaults to ``False``. Writes out a \*_intd.fits file regardless if scattered light is subtracted or not. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _perform(self): # Header keyword to update key = 'SCATSUB' keycom = "was scattered light subtracted?" # get camera camera = self.action.args.ccddata.header['CAMERA'].upper() # Skip if nod-and-shuffle if self.action.args.nasmask:"NAS Mask: skipping scattered light subtraction") self.action.args.ccddata.header[key] = (False, keycom) elif self.config.instrument.skipscat:"Skipping scattered light subtraction by request") self.action.args.ccddata.header[key] = (False, keycom) else: # Binning # ybin = self.action.args.ybinsize # Get size of image siz = # Get x range for scattered light x0 = int(siz[1] / 2 - 180 / self.action.args.xbinsize) x1 = int(siz[1] / 2 + 180 / self.action.args.xbinsize) # Get y limits y0 = 0 # y1 = int(siz[0] / 2 - 1) # y2 = y1 + 1 y3 = siz[0] # print("x limits: %d, %d, y limits: %d, %d" % (x0, x1, y0, y3)) # Y data values yvals = np.nanmedian([y0:y3, x0:x1], axis=1) # Fix extreme edge values if 'RED' in camera: if np.nanmax(yvals) > 100: yvals[:10] = yvals[10:20] yvals[-10:] = yvals[-21:-11] else: yvals[0] = np.nanmedian(yvals[1:10]) yvals[-1] = np.nanmedian(yvals[-11:-2]) # X data values xvals = np.arange(len(yvals), dtype=np.float) # filter window fwin = 151 scat = savgol_filter(yvals, fwin, 3) signal_to_noise = np.mean(scat) / np.nanstd(yvals - scat) if signal_to_noise < 25.: if signal_to_noise < 5: fwin = 501 else: fwin = 303 scat = savgol_filter(yvals, fwin, 3) signal_to_noise = np.mean(scat) / np.nanstd(yvals - scat)"Smoothing scattered light with window of %d px" % fwin)"Mean signal to noise = %.2f" % signal_to_noise) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: # output filename stub scfnam = "scat_%05d_%s_%s_%s" % \ (self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname) # plot p = figure(title=self.action.args.plotlabel + "SCATTERED LIGHT FIT", x_axis_label='y pixel', y_axis_label='e-', plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height), yvals, legend_label="Scat") p.line(xvals, scat, color='red', line_width=3, legend_label="Smooth") p.legend.location = "top_left" bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) save_plot(p, filename=scfnam+".png") # Subtract scattered light"Starting scattered light subtraction") for ix in range(0, siz[1]):[y0:y3, ix] = \[y0:y3, ix] - scat self.action.args.ccddata.header[key] = (True, keycom) log_string = SubtractScatteredLight.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string # write out int image kcwi_fits_writer(self.action.args.ccddata, table=self.action.args.table,, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory, suffix="intd") self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=self.action.args.ccddata, suffix="intd", self.context.proctab.write_proctab(tfil=self.config.instrument.procfile) return self.action.args
# END: SubtractScatteredLight()