Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.StackFlats

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_img import BaseImg
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_reader, \
    kcwi_fits_writer, strip_fname

import os
import ccdproc
import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import mad_std

def inv_median(a):
    return 1.0/np.median(a)

[docs]class StackFlats(BaseImg): """ Stack flat images Generate a stacked flat frame based on one of the following instrument config parameters: * flat_min_nframes: defaults to 6 * dome_min_nframes: defaults to 3 * twiflat_min_nframes: defaults to 1 It is assumed that each frame is well-exposed and the combine method 'average' will be used. A high sigma clipping of 2.0 is used to help with the CRs. Uses the ccdproc.combine routine to peform the stacking. Writes out the following files and adds entries in the proc table depending on the input IMTYPE: * FLATLAMP - writes out \*_sflat.fits and puts SFLAT in proc table * DOMEFLAT - writes out \*_sdome.fits and puts SDOME in proc table * TWIFLAT - writes out \*_stwif.fits and puts STWIF in proc table """ def __init__(self, action, context): BaseImg.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _pre_condition(self): """ Checks if we can build a stacked frame based on the processing table """ # get list of input flats"Checking precondition for StackFlats") self.stacked_list = self.context.proctab.search_proctab( frame=self.action.args.ccddata, target_type=self.action.args.stack_type, target_group=self.action.args.groupid) if len(self.stacked_list) > 0:"already have {len(self.stacked_list)}," f" stacked flats, expecting 0") return False else: self.combine_list = self.context.proctab.search_proctab( frame=self.action.args.ccddata, target_type=self.action.args.want_type, target_group=self.action.args.groupid)"pre condition got {len(self.combine_list)}," f" expecting {self.action.args.min_files}") # do we meet the criterion? if len(self.combine_list) >= self.action.args.min_files: return True else: self.action.new_event = None return False def _perform(self): """ Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depends on this operation """ method = 'average' sig_up = 2.0 suffix = self.action.args.stack_type.lower()"Stacking flats using method %s" % method) combine_list = list(self.combine_list['filename']) # get flat stack output name stname = strip_fname(combine_list[0]) + '_' + suffix + '.fits' stack = [] stackf = [] fmeds = [] for flat in combine_list: # get flat intensity (int) image file name in redux directory stackf.append(strip_fname(flat) + '_intd.fits') flatfn = os.path.join(self.config.instrument.cwd, self.config.instrument.output_directory, stackf[-1]) # using [0] gets just the image data f = kcwi_fits_reader(flatfn)[0] # Set mask to None to prevent ccdproc.combine from masking f.mask = None # get scale fmed = float(np.median(f))"%s - median: %.2f" % (flat, fmed)) fmeds.append(fmed) stack.append(f) stacked = ccdproc.combine(stack, method=method, sigma_clip=True, scale=inv_median, sigma_clip_low_thresh=None, sigma_clip_high_thresh=sig_up,, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) # re-scale stacked image = * np.median(fmeds) # Get the bad pixel mask out of one of the flats (is the same for all) # and add it to the stacked flat as the stack's mask last_flat_name = strip_fname(combine_list[-1]) + '_intd.fits' last_flat_path = os.path.join(self.config.instrument.cwd, self.config.instrument.output_directory, last_flat_name) last_flat = kcwi_fits_reader(last_flat_path)[0] stacked.mask = last_flat.mask stacked.header['IMTYPE'] = self.action.args.stack_type stacked.header['NSTACK'] = (len(combine_list), 'number of images stacked') stacked.header['STCKMETH'] = (method, 'method used for stacking') stacked.header['STCKSIGU'] = (sig_up, 'Upper sigma rejection for stacking') for ii, fname in enumerate(stackf): stacked.header['STACKF%d' % (ii + 1)] = (fname, "stack input file") log_string = StackFlats.__module__ stacked.header['HISTORY'] = log_string # output stacked flat kcwi_fits_writer(stacked, output_file=stname, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory) self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=stacked, suffix=suffix, newtype=self.action.args.stack_type, filename=stacked.header['OFNAME']) self.context.proctab.write_proctab(tfil=self.config.instrument.procfile) return self.action.args
# END: class StackFlats()