Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.ReadAtlas

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import save_plot
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import plotlabel

from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Range1d
import pkg_resources
import os
from import fits as pf
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate
from scipy import signal
import time

[docs]class ReadAtlas(BasePrimitive): """ Read in atlas spectrum and derive alignment offset. Reads in spectral atlas spectrum of observed arc lamp. Uses instrument configuration to determine convoution kernel that will match the observed spectrum resolution and applies it. Then picks a central part of the observed spectrum and tapers the ends and does a cross-correlation to determine the pixel offset that will align the observed and atlas spectra. Uses the following configuration parameters: * MIDFRAC: what central fraction to use for finding the atlas offset - defaults to 0.3. * TAPERFRAC: how much of the ends to taper off (in case of bright lines at the ends) - defaults to 0.2. * ATOFF: force a specific pixel offset for the atlas - defaults to 0. Places convolved atlas spectrum with wavelength scale in the return argument so subsequent processing can use it to fit the observed wavelength scale accurately. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _pre_condition(self):"Checking for master arc") if 'MARC' in self.action.args.ccddata.header['IMTYPE']: return True else: return False def _perform(self): # What lamp are we using? lamp = self.action.args.illum # Does the atlas file exist? path = "data/%s.fits" % lamp.lower() # always use slash pkg = __name__.split('.')[0] atpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg, path) if os.path.exists(atpath):"Reading atlas spectrum in: %s" % atpath) else: self.logger.error("Atlas spectrum not found for %s" % atpath) # Read the atlas ff = reflux = ff[0].data refdisp = ff[0].header['CDELT1'] refwav = np.arange(0, len(reflux)) * refdisp + ff[0].header['CRVAL1'] ff.close() # Convolve with appropriate Gaussian"Convolving Atlas with Gaussian having sigma of %.2f " "px" % self.action.args.atsig) reflux = gaussian_filter1d(reflux, self.action.args.atsig) # Observed arc spectrum obsarc = self.context.arcs[self.config.instrument.REFBAR] # Preliminary wavelength solution xvals = np.arange(0, len(obsarc)) - int(len(obsarc)/2) obswav = xvals * self.context.prelim_disp + self.action.args.cwave # Define Central Region mf = self.config.instrument.MIDFRAC # Set on command line if 0 < mf <= 1.0:"Using command line value for middle fraction") # Default values based on grating else:"Using default calculated middle fraction") # Get central third mf = 1./3. # Unless we are low disp., then get central 3 5ths if 'BL' in self.action.args.grating or \ 'RL' in self.action.args.grating: mf = 3./5. # Unless we are red high disp., then get central 8 10ths if 'RH' in self.action.args.grating: mf = 8./10."Central %.3f used for initial fit" % mf) minow = int(len(obsarc) * (0.5 - mf / 2.)) maxow = int(len(obsarc) * (0.5 + mf / 2.)) if self.context.prelim_disp > 0: minwav = obswav[minow] maxwav = obswav[maxow] else: minwav = obswav[maxow] maxwav = obswav[minow] # Check for dichroic if self.action.args.dich: obs_extent = maxow - minow if == 0: # Blue # test if correction needed if maxwav > 5600: maxwav = [w for w in obswav if w < 5620.][-1] maxow = [i for i, w in enumerate(obswav) if w < 5620.][-1] minow = maxow - obs_extent if minow < 0: minow = 0"Dichroic adjusted - x0, x1, w0, w1: " "%d, %d, %.2f, %.2f" % (minow, maxow, minwav, maxwav)) elif == 1: # Red # test if correction needed if minwav < 5600: minwav = [w for w in obswav if w > 5580.][0] minow = [i for i, w in enumerate(obswav) if w > 5580.][0] maxow = minow + obs_extent if maxow > (len(obsarc) - 1): maxow = len(obsarc) - 1"Dichroic adjusted - x0, x1, w0, w1: " "%d, %d, %.2f, %.2f" % (minow, maxow, minwav, maxwav)) else: self.logger.warning("Camera undefined!!") # Get corresponding ref range minrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(refwav) if v >= minwav][0] maxrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(refwav) if v <= maxwav][-1] # Subsample for cross-correlation cc_obsarc = obsarc[minow:maxow] cc_obswav = obswav[minow:maxow] cc_reflux = reflux[minrw:maxrw] cc_refwav = refwav[minrw:maxrw] # Resample onto reference wavelength scale obsint = interpolate.interp1d(cc_obswav, cc_obsarc, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') cc_obsarc = obsint(cc_refwav) # Apply cosin bell taper to both cc_obsarc *= len(cc_obsarc), alpha=self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC) cc_reflux *= len(cc_reflux), alpha=self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC) nsamp = len(cc_refwav) offar = np.arange(1 - nsamp, nsamp) # Cross-correlate xcorr = np.correlate(cc_obsarc, cc_reflux, mode='full') # Get central region x0c = int(len(xcorr)/3) x1c = int(2*(len(xcorr)/3)) xcorr_central = xcorr[x0c:x1c] offar_central = offar[x0c:x1c] # Calculate offset calc_offset_pix = offar_central[xcorr_central.argmax()] calc_offset_wav = calc_offset_pix * refdisp"Calculated arc-atlas offset (px, Ang): %d, %.1f" % (calc_offset_pix, calc_offset_wav)) atoff = self.config.instrument.ATOFF req_offset_pix = 0 if atoff != 0: req_offset_pix = atoff req_offset_wav = atoff * refdisp"Command line requested offset (px, Ang):" " %d, %.1f" % (req_offset_pix, req_offset_wav)) offset_pix = req_offset_pix offset_wav = req_offset_wav else: offset_pix = calc_offset_pix offset_wav = calc_offset_wav plab = plotlabel(self.action.args) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: # Plot p = figure(title=plab + "ATLAS OFFSET = %d px" % offset_pix, x_axis_label="Offset(px)", y_axis_label="X-corr", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.line(offar_central, xcorr_central, legend_label='Data') ylim_min = min(xcorr_central) ylim_max = max(xcorr_central) p.line([calc_offset_pix, calc_offset_pix], [ylim_min, ylim_max], color='red', legend_label='Peak') if atoff != 0: p.line([req_offset_pix, req_offset_pix], [ylim_min, ylim_max], color='green', legend_label='Reqested') bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # Get central wavelength cwave = self.action.args.cwave # Set up offset tweaking q = 'test' while q: # Plot the two spectra p = figure(title=plab + "ATLAS OFFSET = %.1f Ang (%d px)" % (offset_wav, offset_pix), x_axis_label="Wave(A)", y_axis_label="Rel. Flux", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) p.line(obswav[minow:maxow] - offset_wav, obsarc[minow:maxow]/np.nanmax(obsarc[minow:maxow]), legend_label="ref bar (%d)" % self.config.instrument.REFBAR) p.line(refwav[minrw:maxrw], reflux[minrw:maxrw]/np.nanmax(reflux[minrw:maxrw]), color="red", legend_label="Atlas") p.x_range = Range1d(minwav, maxwav) ylim_min = min( obsarc[minow:maxow]/np.nanmax(obsarc[minow:maxow])) ylim_max = max( obsarc[minow:maxow]/np.nanmax(obsarc[minow:maxow])) p.line([cwave, cwave], [ylim_min, ylim_max], color="magenta", legend_label="CWAVE", line_dash="dashdot") bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: q = input("Enter: <cr> - next, new offset (int px): ") if q: try: offset_pix = int(q) offset_wav = offset_pix * refdisp except ValueError: print("Try again: integer pixel values accepted") q = 'test' else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) q = None # save final plot of arc/atlas offset pfname = "arc_%05d_%s_%s_%s" % ( self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname) save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_atoff.png')"Final arc-atlas offset (px, Ang): %d, %.1f" % (offset_pix, offset_wav)) # Store atlas spectrum self.action.args.reflux = reflux self.action.args.refwave = refwav # Store offsets self.action.args.offset_pix = offset_pix self.action.args.offset_wave = offset_wav # Store reference dispersion self.action.args.refdisp = refdisp # Store central limits self.action.args.minrow = minow self.action.args.maxrow = maxow # Store x values self.action.args.xvals = xvals self.action.args.x0 = int(len(obsarc)/2) log_string = ReadAtlas.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string return self.action.args
# END: class ReadAtlas()