Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.MakeMasterSky

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_img import BaseImg
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import kcwi_fits_reader, \
    kcwi_fits_writer, strip_fname
from kcwidrp.primitives.GetAtlasLines import gaus
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_get_std import kcwi_get_std
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import save_plot
from kcwidrp.core.bspline import Bspline
from bokeh.plotting import figure

import os
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from import fits

[docs]class MakeMasterSky(BaseImg): """ Make master sky image. Uses b-spline fits along with geometry maps to generate a master sky image for sky subtraction. This routine also handles the file ``, which controls the master sky generation. This file consists of one line per image, with the first column indicating the raw object image to be sky-subtracted. The following columns can either indicate a separate image to use for sky subtraction, the filename of a mask fits image for masking object flux, or indicate that the object is a continuum source and either automatically find the object, or specify the location and width of the continuum source. Below are example one-line entries and what they mean: 1. Skip sky subtraction for this particular object image: * kr230925_00075.fits skip 2. Point to a different image for the sky (this assumes the \*_sky.fits image has already been generated previously: * kr230925_00075.fits kr230925_00076.fits 3. Indicate that a mask file should be used to mask object flux when deriving the sky model (see * kr230925_00075.fits kr230925_00075_smsk.fits 4. Indicate that this is a bright continuum source and automatically mask the continuum source from the sky model: * kr230925_00075.fits cont 5. Indicate that this is a faint continuum source and specify the location and the width of the continuum source (in pixels): * kr230925_00075.fits cont 45.0 7.6 If no `` file exists, or there is no entry for the input object frame, then the entire image is used to generate the sky model. It is good practice to run all the data through first, then inspect the sky subtraction and see which frames will benefit from masking or from a dedicated sky observation. If a sky model is generated, the routine will write out a \*_sky.fits image and add a sky entry in the proc table. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BaseImg.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger def _pre_condition(self): """ Checks if we can create a master sky """"Checking precondition for MakeMasterSky") if self.config.instrument.skipsky: self.logger.warning("Sky subtraction turned off, " "skipping MakeMasterSky") return False suffix = 'sky' # self.action.args.new_type.lower() ofn = rdir = self.config.instrument.output_directory # Are we a standard star? stdfile = None stdname = None if 'object' in self.action.args.imtype.lower():"Checking OBJECT keyword") stdfile, stdname = kcwi_get_std( self.action.args.ccddata.header['OBJECT'], self.logger) if not stdfile:"Checking TARGNAME keyword") stdfile, stdname = kcwi_get_std( self.action.args.ccddata.header['TARGNAME'], self.logger) else: self.logger.warning("Not object type: %s" % self.action.args.imtype) self.action.args.stdfile = stdfile self.action.args.stdname = stdname # Is there a file? skyfile = None skymask = None contsky = False cont_source_pos = None cont_source_width = None # check if exists if os.path.exists(''):"Reading") f = open('') skyproc = f.readlines() f.close() # is our file in the list? for row in skyproc: # skip comments if row.startswith('#'): continue # skip empty lines if len(row.split()) < 1: continue # Parse row: # <raw sci file> <raw sky file> <optional mask file> # OR # <raw sci file> skip # to disable sky subtraction # Find match to current file if ofn in row.split()[0]: skyfile = row.split()[1] # Should we skip sky subtraction? if 'skip' in skyfile:"Skipping sky subtraction for %s" % ofn) keycom = 'sky corrected?' self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYCOR'] = (False, keycom) return False elif 'cont' in skyfile:"Using continuum source local sky for" " %s" % ofn) contsky = True if len(row.split()) == 4: cont_source_pos = float(row.split()[2]) cont_source_width = float(row.split()[3])"Using input continuum pos of" "%.2f with width of %.2f" % (cont_source_pos, cont_source_width)) # Do we have an optional sky mask file? elif len(row.split()) > 2: skymask = row.split()[2]"Found sky mask entry for %s: %s" % (ofn, skymask))"Found sky entry for %s: %s" % (ofn, skyfile)) # Do have a mask file? if skymask: # Does it exist? if os.path.exists(skymask):"Using sky mask file: %s" % skymask) else: self.logger.warning("Sky mask file not found: %s" % skymask) skymask = None # Record results self.action.args.skyfile = skyfile self.action.args.skymask = skymask self.action.args.contsky = contsky self.action.args.cont_source_pos = cont_source_pos self.action.args.cont_source_width = cont_source_width # Do we have a sky alternate? if skyfile: # Generate sky file name msname = skyfile.split('.fits')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits' mskyf = os.path.join(rdir, msname) # Does it exist? if os.path.exists(mskyf):"Master sky already exists: %s" % mskyf) return False else: self.logger.warning("Alternate master sky %s not found." % mskyf) return True else:"No alternate master sky requested.") return True def _perform(self): """ Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depends on this operation """"Creating master sky") suffix = 'sky' # get root for maps tab = self.context.proctab.search_proctab( frame=self.action.args.ccddata, target_type='MARC', target_group=self.action.args.groupid) if len(tab) <= 0: self.logger.error("Geometry not solved!") return self.action.args groot = strip_fname(tab['filename'][0]) # Wavelength map image wmf = groot + '_wavemap.fits'"Reading image: %s" % wmf) wavemap = kcwi_fits_reader(os.path.join( self.config.instrument.cwd, 'redux', wmf))[0] # Slice map image slf = groot + '_slicemap.fits'"Reading image: %s" % slf) slicemap = kcwi_fits_reader(os.path.join( self.config.instrument.cwd, 'redux', slf))[0] # Position map image pof = groot + '_posmap.fits'"Reading image: %s" % pof) posmap = kcwi_fits_reader(os.path.join( self.config.instrument.cwd, 'redux', pof))[0] posmax = np.nanmax( posbuf = int(10. / self.action.args.xbinsize) ny =[0] if == 1: # Red # Get ymap for trimming junk at ends ymap = posmap.copy() for i in range(ny):[i, :] = float(i) else: ymap = None # wavelength region wavegood0 = wavemap.header['WAVGOOD0'] wavegood1 = wavemap.header['WAVGOOD1'] waveall0 = wavemap.header['WAVALL0'] waveall1 = wavemap.header['WAVALL1'] wavemid = wavemap.header['WAVMID'] # get image size sm_sz = # sky masking # default is no masking (True = mask, False = don't mask) binary_mask = np.zeros(sm_sz, dtype=bool) # was sky masking requested? if self.action.args.skymask: if os.path.exists(self.action.args.skymask):"Reading sky mask file: %s" % self.action.args.skymask) hdul = binary_mask = hdul[0].data # verify size match bm_sz = binary_mask.shape if bm_sz[0] != sm_sz[0] or bm_sz[1] != sm_sz[1]: self.logger.warning("Sky mask size mis-match: " "masking disabled") binary_mask = np.zeros(sm_sz, dtype=bool) else: self.logger.warning("Sky mask image not found: %s" % self.action.args.skymask) auto_masked = False auto_mask_type = "" auto_cont_pos = None auto_cont_width = None # if we are a standard, get mask for bright continuum source if self.action.args.stdname is not None:"Standard star observation of " "%s will be auto-masked" % self.action.args.stdname) auto_masked = True auto_mask_type = "Std Star" # Use 10% of wavelength range at wavemid std_wav_ran = (wavemid - 0.05 * (wavegood1 - wavegood0), wavemid + 0.05 * (wavegood1 - wavegood0)) std_sl_max = -1 std_sl_sig_max = -1. std_sl_max_pos_data = None std_sl_max_flx_data = None"Finding the std max slice") for si in range(24): sq = [i for i, v in enumerate( if v == si and std_wav_ran[0] <[i] < std_wav_ran[1] and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf)] xplt =[sq] yplt =[sq] sig = float(np.nanstd(yplt))"Slice %d - StDev = %.2f" % (si, sig)) if sig > std_sl_sig_max: std_sl_sig_max = sig std_sl_max = si std_sl_max_pos_data = xplt.copy() std_sl_max_flx_data = yplt.copy() ipk = np.argmax(std_sl_max_flx_data) ppk = std_sl_max_pos_data[ipk] fpk = std_sl_max_flx_data[ipk] # gaussian fit to max slice res, _ = curve_fit(gaus, std_sl_max_pos_data, std_sl_max_flx_data, p0=[fpk, ppk, 1.])"Std max at %.2f in slice %d with width %.2f px" % (res[1], std_sl_max, res[2])) std_pos_mask_0 = res[1] - 5. * res[2] std_pos_mask_1 = res[1] + 5. * res[2]"Masking between %.2f and %.2f" % (std_pos_mask_0, std_pos_mask_1)) auto_cont_pos = res[1] auto_cont_width = 5. * res[2] # Mask standard from sky calculation for i, v in enumerate(binary_mask.flat): if std_pos_mask_0 <[i] < std_pos_mask_1: binary_mask.flat[i] = True # plot, if requested if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: xx = np.arange(np.min(std_sl_max_pos_data), np.max(std_sl_max_pos_data), 1) yy = gaus(xx, res[0], res[1], res[2]) p = figure( title=self.action.args.plotlabel + ' Std max sl %d' % std_sl_max, x_axis_label='Pos (x px)', y_axis_label='Flux (e-)', plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height), std_sl_max_flx_data, size=1, line_alpha=0., fill_color='purple', legend_label='Data') p.line([ppk, ppk], [0, fpk], color='green') p.line([std_pos_mask_0, std_pos_mask_0], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line([std_pos_mask_1, std_pos_mask_1], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line(xx, yy, color='red') bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # if we are a continuum source, # get local mask for bright continuum source elif self.action.args.contsky:"continuum source observation will be auto-masked") auto_masked = True # Use 10% of wavelength range at wavemid con_wav_ran = (wavemid - 0.05 * (wavegood1 - wavegood0), wavemid + 0.05 * (wavegood1 - wavegood0)) con_sl_max = -1 con_sl_sig_max = -1. con_sl_max_pos_data = None con_sl_max_flx_data = None if self.action.args.cont_source_pos is None:"Finding the continuum source automatically") auto_mask_type = "AutoCont" for si in range(24): sq = [i for i, v in enumerate( if v == si and con_wav_ran[0] <[i] < con_wav_ran[1] and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf)] xplt =[sq] yplt =[sq] sig = float(np.nanstd(yplt))"Slice %d - StDev = %.2f" % (si, sig)) if sig > con_sl_sig_max: con_sl_sig_max = sig con_sl_max = si con_sl_max_pos_data = xplt.copy() con_sl_max_flx_data = yplt.copy() ipk = np.argmax(con_sl_max_flx_data) ppk = con_sl_max_pos_data[ipk] fpk = con_sl_max_flx_data[ipk] # gaussian fit to max slice res, _ = curve_fit(gaus, con_sl_max_pos_data, con_sl_max_flx_data, p0=[fpk, ppk, 1.])"Continuum source max at %.2f in " "slice %d with width %.2f px" % (res[1], con_sl_max, res[2])) # First define source extent con_pos_mask_0 = res[1] - 7. * res[2] con_pos_mask_1 = res[1] + 7. * res[2] auto_cont_pos = res[1] auto_cont_width = 7. * res[2] # Next define lower and upper windows con_pos_mask_lo_0 = con_pos_mask_0 - \ 14 / self.action.args.xbinsize con_pos_mask_up_1 = con_pos_mask_1 + \ 14 / self.action.args.xbinsize # plot, if requested if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: xx = np.arange(np.min(con_sl_max_pos_data), np.max(con_sl_max_pos_data), 1) yy = gaus(xx, res[0], res[1], res[2]) p = figure( title=self.action.args.plotlabel + ' Cont source max sl %d' % con_sl_max, x_axis_label='Pos (x px)', y_axis_label='Flux (e-)', plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height), con_sl_max_flx_data, size=1, line_alpha=0., fill_color='purple', legend_label='Data') p.line([ppk, ppk], [0, fpk], color='green') p.line([con_pos_mask_lo_0, con_pos_mask_lo_0], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line([con_pos_mask_0, con_pos_mask_0], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line([con_pos_mask_1, con_pos_mask_1], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line([con_pos_mask_up_1, con_pos_mask_up_1], [0, fpk], color='blue') p.line(xx, yy, color='red') bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) else:"Using input source position of %.2f and" "source width of %.2f" % (self.action.args.cont_source_pos, self.action.args.cont_source_width)) auto_mask_type = "UserCont" auto_cont_pos = self.action.args.cont_source_pos auto_cont_width = self.action.args.cont_source_width # First define source extent con_pos_mask_0 = auto_cont_pos - auto_cont_width con_pos_mask_1 = auto_cont_pos + auto_cont_width # Next define lower and upper windows con_pos_mask_lo_0 = con_pos_mask_0 - \ 14 / self.action.args.xbinsize con_pos_mask_up_1 = con_pos_mask_1 + \ 14 / self.action.args.xbinsize"Masking all but sky region between " "%.2f and %.2f and between %.2f and %.2f" % (con_pos_mask_lo_0, con_pos_mask_0, con_pos_mask_1, con_pos_mask_up_1)) # Mask all but local sky from sky calculation for i, v in enumerate(binary_mask.flat): if (0 <[i] < con_pos_mask_lo_0) or \ (con_pos_mask_0 <[i] < con_pos_mask_1) or \ (con_pos_mask_up_1 <[i] < posmax): binary_mask.flat[i] = True # count masked pixels tmsk = len(np.nonzero(np.where(binary_mask.flat, True, False))[0])"Number of pixels masked = %d" % tmsk) finiteflux = np.isfinite( # get un-masked points mapped to exposed regions on CCD # handle dichroic bad region if self.action.args.dich: if == 0: # Blue q = [i for i, v in enumerate( if 0 <= v <= 23 and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf) and waveall0 <=[i] <= waveall1 and not (v > 20 and[i] > 5600.) and finiteflux[i] and not binary_mask.flat[i]] else: # Red q = [i for i, v in enumerate( if 0 <= v <= 23 and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf) and waveall0 <=[i] <= waveall1 and not (v > 20 and[i] < 5600.) and finiteflux[i] and not binary_mask.flat[i] and 50 <=[i] <= (ny - 50)] else: if == 0: # Blue q = [i for i, v in enumerate( if 0 <= v <= 23 and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf) and waveall0 <=[i] <= waveall1 and finiteflux[i] and not binary_mask.flat[i]] else: q = [i for i, v in enumerate( if 0 <= v <= 23 and posbuf <[i] < (posmax - posbuf) and waveall0 <=[i] <= waveall1 and finiteflux[i] and not binary_mask.flat[i] and 50 <=[i] <= (ny - 50)] # get all points mapped to exposed regions on the CCD (for output) qo = [i for i, v in enumerate( if 0 <= v <= 23 and[i] >= 0 and waveall0 <=[i] <= waveall1 and finiteflux[i]] # extract relevant image values fluxes =[q] # relevant wavelengths waves =[q]"Number of fit waves = %d" % len(waves)) # keep output wavelengths owaves =[qo]"Number of output waves = %d" % len(owaves)) # sort on wavelength s = np.argsort(waves) waves = waves[s] fluxes = fluxes[s] # knots per pixel knotspp = self.config.instrument.KNOTSPP n = int(sm_sz[0] * knotspp) # calculate break points for b splines bkpt = np.min(waves) + np.arange(n+1) * \ (np.max(waves) - np.min(waves)) / n # log"Nknots = %d, min = %.2f, max = %.2f (A)" % (n, np.min(bkpt), np.max(bkpt))) # do bspline fit sft0, gmask = Bspline.iterfit(waves, fluxes, fullbkpt=bkpt, upper=1, lower=1) gp = [i for i, v in enumerate(gmask) if v] yfit1, _ = sft0.value(waves)"Number of good points = %d" % len(gp)) # check result if np.max(yfit1) < 0: self.logger.warning("B-spline failure") if n > 2000: if n == 5000: n = 2000 if n == 8000: n = 5000 # calculate breakpoints bkpt = np.min(waves) + np.arange(n + 1) * \ (np.max(waves) - np.min(waves)) / n # log"Nknots = %d, min = %.2f, max = %.2f (A)" % (n, np.min(bkpt), np.max(bkpt))) # do bspline fit sft0, gmask = Bspline.iterfit(waves, fluxes, fullbkpt=bkpt, upper=1, lower=1) yfit1, _ = sft0.value(waves) if np.max(yfit1) <= 0: self.logger.warning("B-spline final failure, sky is zero") # get values at original wavelengths yfit, _ = sft0.value(owaves) # for plotting gwaves = waves[gp] gfluxes = fluxes[gp] npts = len(gwaves) stride = int(npts / 8000.) xplt = gwaves[::stride] yplt = gfluxes[::stride] fplt, _ = sft0.value(xplt) yrng = [np.min(yplt), np.max(yplt)]"Stride = %d" % stride) # plot, if requested if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: # output filename stub skyfnam = "sky_%05d_%s_%s_%s" % \ (self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname) p = figure( title=self.action.args.plotlabel + ' Master Sky', x_axis_label='Wave (A)', y_axis_label='Flux (e-)', plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height), yplt, size=1, line_alpha=0., fill_color='purple', legend_label='Data') p.line(xplt, fplt, line_color='red', legend_label='Fit') p.line([wavegood0, wavegood0], yrng, line_color='green') p.line([wavegood1, wavegood1], yrng, line_color='green') p.y_range.start = yrng[0] p.y_range.end = yrng[1] bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) save_plot(p, filename=skyfnam+".png") # create sky image sky = np.zeros(, dtype=float) sky.flat[qo] = yfit # store original data, header img = hdr = self.action.args.ccddata.header.copy() = sky # get master sky output name ofn_full = ofn = os.path.basename(ofn_full) msname = strip_fname(ofn) + '_' + suffix + '.fits' log_string = MakeMasterSky.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['IMTYPE'] = 'SKY' self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYMODEL'] = (True, 'sky model image?') self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYIMAGE'] = \ (ofn, 'image used for sky model') if tmsk > 0: self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYMSK'] = (True, 'was sky masked?') if auto_masked: self.action.args.ccddata.header['AUTOMASK'] = (True, 'auto-masked?') self.action.args.ccddata.header['AUTMSKTY'] = ( auto_mask_type, 'Type of auto-masking') self.action.args.ccddata.header['CONTPOS'] = ( auto_cont_pos, 'Position in slice of continuum') self.action.args.ccddata.header['CONTWID'] = ( auto_cont_width, 'Width of continuum source') # self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYMSKF'] = (skymf, # 'sky mask file') else: self.action.args.ccddata.header['SKYMSK'] = (False, 'was sky masked?') self.action.args.ccddata.header['WAVMAPF'] = wmf self.action.args.ccddata.header['SLIMAPF'] = slf self.action.args.ccddata.header['POSMAPF'] = pof # output master sky kcwi_fits_writer(self.action.args.ccddata, output_file=msname, output_dir=self.config.instrument.output_directory) self.context.proctab.update_proctab(frame=self.action.args.ccddata, suffix=suffix, newtype="SKY", self.context.proctab.write_proctab(tfil=self.config.instrument.procfile) # restore original image = img self.action.args.ccddata.header = hdr return self.action.args
# END: class MakeMasterSky()