Source code for kcwidrp.primitives.FitCenter

from keckdrpframework.primitives.base_primitive import BasePrimitive
from kcwidrp.core.bokeh_plotting import bokeh_plot
from kcwidrp.core.kcwi_plotting import get_plot_lims, oplot_slices, \
    set_plot_lims, save_plot
from kcwidrp.primitives.kcwi_file_primitives import plotlabel

from bokeh.plotting import figure
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate
from multiprocessing import get_context
from scipy import signal
import time

[docs]def pascal_shift(coefficients=None, x0=None): """ Shift coefficients to a new reference value (X0) Use Pascal's Triangle to shift the polynomial coefficients to a new reference point. Used to transfer central fits to full-wavelength fits. Args: coefficients (list of floats): fit coef's, up to 7 elements. x0 (float): New reference x value. Returns: Shifted coefficients """ if not coefficients: print("Error, no coefficients for pascal_shift.") return None if not x0: print("Warning, no reference value (x0) supplied") return coefficients if len(coefficients) == 7: usecoeff = list(reversed(coefficients)) fincoeff = [0.] * 7 else: if len(coefficients) > 7: print("Warning - this routine only handles up to 7 coefficients.") usecoeff = list(reversed(coefficients[0:7])) fincoeff = [0.] * len(coefficients) else: usecoeff = [0.] * 7 fincoeff = usecoeff for ic, c in enumerate(coefficients): usecoeff[len(coefficients) - (ic + 1)] = coefficients[ic] # get reference values x01 = x0 x02 = x0 ** 2 x03 = x0 ** 3 x04 = x0 ** 4 x05 = x0 ** 5 x06 = x0 ** 6 # use Pascal's Triangle to shift coefficients fincoeff[0] = usecoeff[0] - usecoeff[1] * x01 + usecoeff[2] * x02 \ - usecoeff[3] * x03 + usecoeff[4] * x04 - usecoeff[5] * x05 \ + usecoeff[6] * x06 fincoeff[1] = usecoeff[1] - 2.0 * usecoeff[2] * x01 \ + 3.0 * usecoeff[3] * x02 - 4.0 * usecoeff[4] * x03 \ + 5.0 * usecoeff[5] * x04 - 6.0 * usecoeff[6] * x05 fincoeff[2] = usecoeff[2] - 3.0 * usecoeff[3] * x01 \ + 6.0 * usecoeff[4] * x02 - 10.0 * usecoeff[5] * x03 \ + 15.0 * usecoeff[6] * x04 fincoeff[3] = usecoeff[3] - 4.0 * usecoeff[4] * x01 \ + 10.0 * usecoeff[5] * x02 - 20.0 * usecoeff[6] * x03 fincoeff[4] = usecoeff[4] - 5.0 * usecoeff[5] * x01 \ + 15.0 * usecoeff[6] * x02 fincoeff[5] = usecoeff[5] - 6.0 * usecoeff[6] * x01 fincoeff[6] = usecoeff[6] # Trim if needed if len(coefficients) < 7: fincoeff = fincoeff[0:len(coefficients)] # Reverse for python return list(reversed(fincoeff))
# END: def pascal_shift() def bar_fit_helper(argument): b = argument['b'] bs = argument['bs'] # wavelength coefficients coefficients = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] # container for maxima, shifts maxima = [] shifts = [] # get sub spectrum for this bar sub_spectrum = bs[argument['minrow']:argument['maxrow']] # now loop over dispersions for di, dispersion in enumerate(argument['disps']): # populate the coefficients coefficients[4] = argument['p0'][b] coefficients[3] = dispersion cosbeta = dispersion / (argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin']) * \ argument['rho'] * argument['FCAM'] * 1.e-4 if cosbeta > 1.: cosbeta = 1. beta = math.acos(cosbeta) coefficients[2] = -(argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 2 * math.sin(beta) / 2. / \ argument['rho'] * 1.e4 coefficients[1] = -(argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 3 * math.cos(beta) / 6. / \ argument['rho'] * 1.e4 coefficients[0] = (argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 4 * math.sin(beta) / 24. / \ argument['rho'] * 1.e4 # what are the min and max wavelengths to consider? wl0 = np.polyval(coefficients, argument['xvals'][argument['minrow']]) wl1 = np.polyval(coefficients, argument['xvals'][argument['maxrow']]) minimum_wavelength = np.nanmin([wl0, wl1]) maximum_wavelength = np.nanmax([wl0, wl1]) # where will we need to interpolate to cross-correlate? minrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(argument['refwave']) if v >= minimum_wavelength][0] maxrw = [i for i, v in enumerate(argument['refwave']) if v <= maximum_wavelength][-1] ref_wave_of_sub_spectrum = argument['refwave'][minrw:maxrw] ref_flux_of_sub_spectrum = argument['reflux'][minrw:maxrw] # get bell cosine taper to avoid nasty edge effects tkwgt =, alpha=argument['taperfrac']) # apply taper to atlas spectrum ref_flux_of_sub_spectrum *= tkwgt # adjust wavelengths waves = np.polyval(coefficients, argument['subxvals']) # interpolate the bar spectrum obsint = interpolate.interp1d(waves, sub_spectrum, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') intspec = obsint(ref_wave_of_sub_spectrum) # apply taper to bar spectrum intspec *= tkwgt # get a label # cross correlate the interpolated spectrum with the atlas spec samples_number = len(ref_wave_of_sub_spectrum) offsets_array = np.arange(1 - samples_number, samples_number) # Cross-correlate crosscorrelation = np.correlate(intspec, ref_flux_of_sub_spectrum, mode='full') # Get central region x0c = int(len(crosscorrelation) / 3) x1c = int(2 * (len(crosscorrelation) / 3)) central_crosscorrelation = crosscorrelation[x0c:x1c] central_offsets_array = offsets_array[x0c:x1c] # Calculate offset maxima.append(central_crosscorrelation[ central_crosscorrelation.argmax()]) shifts.append(central_offsets_array[central_crosscorrelation.argmax()]) # Get interpolations int_max = interpolate.interp1d(argument['disps'], maxima, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') int_shift = interpolate.interp1d(argument['disps'], shifts, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') xdisps = np.linspace(min(argument['disps']), max(argument['disps']), num=argument['nn'] * 100) # get central region x0c = int(len(xdisps) / 3) x1c = int(2 * (len(xdisps) / 3)) # get peak values central_xdisps = xdisps[x0c:x1c] maxima_res = int_max(central_xdisps) shifts_res = int_shift(central_xdisps) * argument['refdisp'] bardisp = central_xdisps[maxima_res.argmax()] barshift = shifts_res[maxima_res.argmax()] # update coeffs coefficients[4] = argument['p0'][b] - barshift coefficients[3] = bardisp cosbeta = coefficients[3] / (argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin']) * \ argument['rho'] * argument['FCAM'] * 1.e-4 if cosbeta > 1.: cosbeta = 1. beta = math.acos(cosbeta) coefficients[2] = -(argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 2 * \ math.sin(beta) / 2. / argument['rho'] * 1.e4 coefficients[1] = -(argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 3 * \ math.cos(beta) / 6. / argument['rho'] * 1.e4 coefficients[0] = (argument['PIX'] * argument['ybin'] / argument['FCAM']) ** 4 * \ math.sin(beta) / 24. / argument['rho'] * 1.e4 shifted_coefficients = pascal_shift(coefficients, argument['x0']) print("Bar#: %3d, Cdisp: %.4f" % (b, bardisp)) # Return results return b, shifted_coefficients, coefficients[4], coefficients[3], \ maxima, bardisp # END: def bar_fit_helper()
[docs]class FitCenter(BasePrimitive): """ Perform wavelength fitting on central region. Perform a preliminary determination of the dispersion in the central region of the wavelength range. Starts with known offsets between bars and rough offset between reference bar and atlas spectrum, and the calculated dispersion. Uses config parameter TAPERFRAC to control cross-correlation roll-off. """ def __init__(self, action, context): BasePrimitive.__init__(self, action, context) self.logger = context.pipeline_logger self.action.args.twkcoeff = [] def _pre_condition(self):"Checking for master arc") if 'MARC' in self.action.args.ccddata.header['IMTYPE']: return True else: return False def _perform(self):"Finding wavelength solution for central region") # Are we interactive? do_inter = (self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2) plab = plotlabel(self.action.args) # y binning y_binning = self.action.args.ybinsize # let's populate the 0 points vector p0 = self.action.args.cwave + np.array(self.context.bar_offsets) * \ self.context.prelim_disp - self.action.args.offset_wave # next we are going to brute-force scan around the preliminary # dispersion for a better solution. We will wander 5% away from it. maximum_dispersion_deviation = 0.05 # fraction # we will try nn values"prelim disp = %.3f, refdisp = %.3f," " min,max rows = %d, %d" % (self.context.prelim_disp, self.action.args.refdisp, self.action.args.minrow, self.action.args.maxrow)) number_of_values_to_try = (int(maximum_dispersion_deviation * abs(self.context.prelim_disp) / self.action.args.refdisp * (self.action.args.maxrow - self.action.args.minrow) / 2.0)) if number_of_values_to_try < 10: number_of_values_to_try = 10 if number_of_values_to_try > 50: number_of_values_to_try = 50"N disp. samples: %d" % number_of_values_to_try) # dispersions to try disps = self.context.prelim_disp * ( 1.0 + maximum_dispersion_deviation * (np.arange(0, number_of_values_to_try + 1) - number_of_values_to_try / 2.) * 2.0 / number_of_values_to_try) # values for central fit subxvals = self.action.args.xvals[ self.action.args.minrow:self.action.args.maxrow] # log taperfrac: important!"Using TAPERFRAC = %.3f" % self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC) self.action.args.ccddata.header['TAPFRAC'] = ( self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC, "taper fraction for central fit") # loop over bars and assemble input arguments my_arguments = [] for b, bs in enumerate(self.context.arcs): arguments = { 'b': b, 'bs': bs, 'minrow': self.action.args.minrow, 'maxrow': self.action.args.maxrow, 'disps': disps, 'p0': p0, 'PIX': self.config.instrument.PIX, 'ybin': y_binning, 'rho': self.action.args.rho, 'FCAM': self.config.instrument.FCAM, 'xvals': self.action.args.xvals, 'refwave': self.action.args.refwave, 'reflux': self.action.args.reflux, 'taperfrac': self.config.instrument.TAPERFRAC, 'refdisp': self.action.args.refdisp, 'subxvals': subxvals, 'nn': number_of_values_to_try, 'x0': self.action.args.x0 } my_arguments.append(arguments) twkcoeff = {} centwave = [] centdisp = [] p = get_context("spawn").Pool() results =, list(my_arguments)) p.close() next_bar_to_plot = 0 for ir, result in enumerate(results): b = result[0] shifted_coefficients = result[1] _centwave = result[2] _centdisp = result[3] twkcoeff[b] = shifted_coefficients centwave.append(_centwave) centdisp.append(_centdisp) maxima = result[4] bardisp = result[5]"Central Fit: Bar# %3d, Cdisp %.4f, " "Coefs: %.2f %.4f %13.5e %13.5e" % (b, bardisp, shifted_coefficients[4], shifted_coefficients[3], shifted_coefficients[2], shifted_coefficients[1])) if do_inter and ir == next_bar_to_plot: # plot maxima p = figure(title=plab + "CENTRAL DISPERSION FIT for Bar: %d Slice: %d" % (b, int(b / 5)), plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height, x_axis_label="Central dispersion (Ang/px)", y_axis_label="X-Corr Peak Value") p.scatter(disps, maxima, color='red', legend_label="Data") p.line(disps, maxima, color='blue', legend_label="Data") ylim = [min(maxima), max(maxima)] p.line([_centdisp, _centdisp], ylim, color='green', legend_label="Fit Disp") p.line([self.context.prelim_disp, self.context.prelim_disp], ylim, color='red', legend_label="Calc Disp") bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) q = input("Next? <int> or <cr>, q to quit: ") if 'Q' in q.upper(): do_inter = False else: try: next_bar_to_plot = int(q) except ValueError: next_bar_to_plot = ir + 1 self.action.args.twkcoeff = twkcoeff # Plot results if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 1: nbars = self.config.instrument.NBARS # Plot central wavelength p = figure(title=plab + "CENTRAL VALUES", x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="Central Wavelength (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) x = range(len(centwave)) p.scatter(x, centwave, marker='x', legend_label='bar wave') p.line([0, nbars], [self.action.args.cwave, self.action.args.cwave], color='red', legend_label='CWAVE') xlim = [-1, nbars] ylim = get_plot_lims(centwave) p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) p.legend.location = "top_center" set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) # save plots of central wavelengths pfname = "arc_%05d_%s_%s_%s" % ( self.action.args.ccddata.header['FRAMENO'], self.action.args.illum, self.action.args.grating, self.action.args.ifuname) save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_cwaves.png') # Plot central dispersion p = figure(title=plab + "CENTRAL VALUES", x_axis_label="Bar #", y_axis_label="Central Dispersion (A)", plot_width=self.config.instrument.plot_width, plot_height=self.config.instrument.plot_height) x = range(len(centdisp)) p.scatter(x, centdisp, marker='x', legend_label='bar disp') p.line([0, nbars], [self.context.prelim_disp, self.context.prelim_disp], color='red', legend_label='Calc Disp') xlim = [-2, nbars+1] ylim = get_plot_lims(centdisp) p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None oplot_slices(p, ylim) p.legend.location = "bottom_center" set_plot_lims(p, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) bokeh_plot(p, self.context.bokeh_session) if self.config.instrument.plot_level >= 2: input("Next? <cr>: ") else: time.sleep(self.config.instrument.plot_pause) save_plot(p, filename=pfname + '_cdisp.png') log_string = FitCenter.__module__ self.action.args.ccddata.header['HISTORY'] = log_string return self.action.args
# END: class FitCenter()